
Not sure what year it was ('94ish) but I stopped by my Mom's classroom (she taught 1st grade) for something. She had a PC on her desk with windows 3.1 and dial up internet. At the time I was a campfire guitar wannabe and spent hours trying to figure out chords and lyrics for this and that song. I found the site [w

Here are the last 100 visitors to my (music festival) website. 8% were mobile browsers.

Graduated HS in '88. Not sure they got all that right.... not born yet?

@npowers83: feeling up his massage therapist

2 minutes of my life I'll never get back....

I don't understand. Did this cat invent YouTube before or after Al Gore invented the internet?

They will probably turn some of the damn things loose on the state park I drive through to get to work and I'll round a curve and run over one some morning. I can already hear the insurance adjuster back peddling.

31. Kayak across the Pacific Ocean

Funny that as I am reading this I am using a co-workers mi-fi from one room down and across the hall in a hotel. He gave me the password a few months back at a off site meeting we were having and my laptop hit it when I opened up my computer. I switched over to the hotel, but the connection was crap so I went back

So, I was on "the list" with an broken password, that happened to be the same as my twitter account. It's all good now, I got my password changed here and took my twitter account back over. (someone changed my password, but it looks like that's all) So I guess that was my wake up call... I went through and cleaned

Now playing

I'm not buying it without James Garner telling me to.

I think 2000 years from now when they look back at computer history they will have a Woz exhibit.

uh I think we knew about these for a while now.

@OMG! Red!: I have seen a horse take a dump. Going to have to call Bull Sh!t on this one. Still funny.

@sfokevin: but that was up the Lauenburg Elbe.

can I get that as a live wallpaper for my phone with a little jiggle and spray?

@Porkbun: old people and verizon people with free wifi hotspot included.

looks like a firefly class...

"To the Bat-Yacht, Robin!"