
@Chernobyl: shit I meant ISA cards. They have been in that box so long I forgot what they were.

I don't know what this guy looks like or sounds like but they should get Jerry Van Dyke to play him if they plan to use this in an ad campaign. I think he could make that quote work.

this guy is an idiot. I left the wii disk out and I walked by and my 6 year old was watching scooby doo with it...Maybe it made his head hurt but he didn't complain.

@Granaghan: Wow.... I would have thought what I have been doing was more complicated than it is.

WIRED had a good article on this a couple of years ago. []

aw snap! over and over and over...

New default Ubuntu background

I don't care what celebs tweet. I don't keep up with friends tweets. Twitter is great because I can follow CNN headlines, A sports channel during a game or race, @shitmydadsays, etc. I can set my phone on the table in a meeting and be in the know and connected to the world without lifting a finger. You can even

skip em all #tv

I use explorer for the generic b.s. check the headlines.. Skyfire for anything with flash... Iris for sites built for the freekin iponieo.

looks like a security risk to me. There could be 5 or 6 of those mixed in with the spaghetti incident under my desk.