Did you play the Iron Man Demo? I might have liked it more if I had stronger VR legs, as it were. I got pretty motion sick trying to track and aim and steer and boost.
Did you play the Iron Man Demo? I might have liked it more if I had stronger VR legs, as it were. I got pretty motion sick trying to track and aim and steer and boost.
If you, for some reason, haven’t gotten Rayman Legends, the greatest platformer, IMO, it’s 5 bucks on PSN. You’re welcome.
As a SW fan and someone who played this game and read the book, it is definitely worth a read. It is beautiful. It even pointed out to me what planet StarKiller Base was formed on. Which is wicked cool. They needed to make that thing on Ilum, because it was rich in Kyber Crystals. What a cool thing.
As a SW fan and someone who played this game and read the book, it is definitely worth a read. It is beautiful. It…
I found you a better mask
Phew! I thought for sure I’d be #2...
I wonder if there will be a turret mode, or something.
That’s probably right. I bet it will be this way probably because of VR, for one reason at least. I can’t imagine playing it without this, without a frame of reference to keep going back to. it’s what made the xwing vr experience from Battlefront playable for me. Anything else I might vomit.
“As I told Mr. McCray, if I were faced with similar circumstances, I would have probably done the same thing.”
Rebel... Rebel scum!
saw that back there! so awesome. I wonder... I wonder if the Razor Crest was in there somewhere. I love cross over stuff. Makes it all feel connected.
Am I going in ion cannons firing on my Y Wing? Engines.
Agreed. Two of the best pilots in the series. Too bad Luke steps out, but I guess he had his own thing going on. Nien Nunb... he’ll probably be there,too, right?
A. I know which book you’re talking about.
Ezra and his space whales. I don’t think he’ll show up, unless Thrawn does, too, which would be cool. Although from now it seems they want their own narrative, not the greatest tactician ever showing up and running the show. And Kanan is dead, I don’t imagine him showing up, unless Hera is caught watching a video or…
I always go straight for the sphere thingy shield generators on the Star Destroyers.
I can only hope she’ll be your General. (look at her insignia... and remember “Calling General Sindulla” from Rogue One...)
I’ve been begging them to release more VR flight games after the Rogue One Battlefront Experience. That is my go to VR thing to play.
Wedge and Hera!