Steve Bunnell

I liked it overall, but I kind of felt like the "Beatrice as a nun" bits were a wasted opportunity. I like religion jokes as much as the next guy, but the scenes between her and Jemaine Clement (who felt kind of underused) struck me as way too broad and kind of unoriginal.

I really, strongly doubt that that scene will ever be rehabilitated from a feminist perspective, since it was directed by one William Tiberius Shatner. There was not an ounce of feminist empowerment in that fan dance. It was pervy, no matter which way you slice it.

Hi, person, who has apparently never seen the third or fifth movies, nice to meet you. :)

I'm not giving up on the CleganeBowl just yet. There's no reason Tommen can't go back on his word, or there can't be a big showdown between the Brothers C that isn't part of a trial-by-combat.

I'm still weirded out at how much the Oddsmaker wants High Sparrow to die, and how wrong he constantly is on that front. HS is not a good dude, but he's no worse than any of the other major power players in King's Landing, and at least he's superficially championing the cause of the poor. He'll probably die before

I have to kind of laugh at the oddsmaker in the deadpool for thinking that High Sparrow would die this week. Until now, he hadn't gotten a chance to reveal his plan, which, as it turns out, is pretty brilliant.

I feel fairly certain that Don Zissner was a giant Robert Evans reference. Which makes me happy, because boy is he a living cartoon.

What a great fifteen minutes of TV. Adventure Time does such a great job of portraying insanity in a surreal, tragic way, and it's already plenty sad when we see it in Simon/Ice King. I thought the show had gotten as dark as it possibly could when we first saw Ice Finn in "Jake the Dog." I didn't think the writers had

"Fitzcarraldo: the TV series."

I don't think his take is particularly Marxist - it's just meant to sound like it is.

"It’s seldom realized that the movie brats’ films are essentially conservative, politically speaking." Oh my Lord, Armond, you're killing me.

The reality of his review is even worse. Dear God, it's somehow worse than this forecast. I won't link to it, because it's on National Review, but holy God is it beautiful in its terribleness.

Plus his heckling of the "12 Years A Slave" director was pretty inexcusable.

No, Armond White is the textbook definition of a prig. The fact that he incorporates race theory into his criticism of Hollywood films doesn't excuse the fact that he's a moralizing troll. No wonder he writes for the National Review.

I don't think Rey's a Mary Sue at all - I don't see how she'd be a self-insert by the writers, and she's no more overpowered than any other Star Wars protagonist. I mean, you've got Jake Lloyd magically piloting a fighter and blowing up a capital ship at age 9 in "Phantom Menace." His credentials as a pilot? He beat

This is a pretty shallow criticism that I'm seeing a lot of on the internet. Yeah, some plot points were re-used; who cares? What sets a great Star Wars movie apart from a terrible one is the characters. The characters were great in this one. The performances were sublime, their personalities felt original and

I enjoyed this first season, and I'd enjoy a second one. It has lots of room for improvement, and I think it could turn into something really great. But I'm not holding my breath for a second season, unfortunately.

Yeah, I still sometimes find "Girls" watchable, but it's a little galling to realize how little Dunham seems to realize that one SHOULD NOT BEHAVE LIKE HER CHARACTER.

Yeah, yeah, I know, but still. It would be such an easy fix. I wonder if anyone's tried to remove her singing from it.

There unfortunately was quite a bit of discord between Lennon and McCartney towards the end, particularly after the death of Brian Epstein. McCartney saw that without Brian, the group's direction started listing, and he tried to take on more of a leadership role in charting new projects for them, namely the abortive