And who do you think he molested? He never had a single credible accusers and there is actual proof his accusers lied, they were coached by their sicko parents and the whole thing was about money
And who do you think he molested? He never had a single credible accusers and there is actual proof his accusers lied, they were coached by their sicko parents and the whole thing was about money
Not true on multiple levels. You believe everything you read in the media? You never fact check? The only things MJ’s books DVDs and magazines prove is that he was a hoarder of books, loved art and photography, loved hetero adult porn and loved pictures of nude women but didn’t care about pictures of nude boys. Of…
That clickbait Radar Online report about Michael Jackson stockpiling animal torture and child porn pictures has been debunked repeatedly, not to mention by the police report itself and the trial.
please google
“The Truth About What Michael Jackson Had (And Didn’t Have) In His Bedroom”
“Ottawa artist angry over…
That clickbait Radar Online report about Michael Jackson stockpiling animal torture and child porn pictures has been debunked repeatedly, not to mention by the police report itself and the trial.
That clickbait Radar Online report about Michael Jackson stockpiling animal torture and child porn pictures has been debunked repeatedly, not to mention by the police report and the trial itself.
That clickbait Radar Online report about Michael Jackson stockpiling animal torture and child porn pictures has been debunked repeatedly, not to mention by the police report and the trial itself.
Shit, man why that GIF? My day is ruined.
Sick people. And this is nothing compared to what the world did to Michael Jackson no wonder he went nuts. I would lock these assholes up.
MJ called white wine Jesus Juice, Chardonnay is white wine. It was his excuse when he started to drink wine because as a Jehova Witness he was not supposed to do that. So he said Jesus drank wine too so can I .
If you got your facts from actual court documents not gossip sites you would know that he didn’t diddle any kid. He had a pure heart and cared about children all his life, even when he was a child himself. He never violated anyone, never forced himself on anyone and sure as hell didn’t have sex with anything remotely…
This absurd assumption in not based on what MJ actually was doing but the gigantic pile of bullshit his money hungry false accusers and the media have built over 23 years. If you want to know how MJ really behaved with Culkin ask him! Listen to what he says, you will be surprised. Or you can listen to another man who…
And exactly which kid did he diddle? Name just one kid who ever accused him without a corrupt adult coaching him, an adult who wanted to profit from those allegations?
You think you know that better than Culkin himself? From his 2005 May 11 testimony:
You think it’s hilarious that they destoyed an innocent man with bogus allegations which Culkin himself refuted over and over again, including under oath? MJ was not attracted to boys, there is tons of evidence of that that his accusers were coached and their parents used the allegations to make money. What is…
Dead wrong. MJ was never attracted to males of any age, why do you think he only collected hetero adult porn and pictures of nude women? You think he watched Double dicking Caroline because he was into boys? Come on.
You missed what she said: it was HER who made the move so SHE wanted it. Then she became too much for well probably she became too much for a lot of people.
She doesn’t look like eternally humorless in that car. She is funny actually.
MJ was a Jehova Witness and that’s the most anti sex religion you can imagine. LaToya and MJ behaved very similarly before marriage, both were devout witnesses, both virgins although MJ dated far more than LaToya. there is no proof that MJ ever had sexual contact with anyone other than his wife Lisa Marie Presley. Yes…
No he didn’t. That was just one of the Arvizos’ many lies, never happened.