Steve Bowling

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.

It was not a joke, I missed the tiny, tiny text. I am very tired. I appreciate your vigilance, and I have placed an update in the article. Thanks!

He sure can!

One might even say it’s turning around 360 degrees and walking away.

The visual designs for the enemies lean toward chunky and distinct, so it’s easy to read them when they’re small. You spot enemies in the small monitors, but you are shooting at them via the big-monitor view in the center, which is always showing you the view of the camera you last tapped on. I sit about eight feet

Considering most ads pay a lot more for clickthroughs than for views, yes, I suspect they’d do exactly that because a gaming ad is more likely to resonate with somebody already reading a gaming site. It’s called “targeted advertising” and it’s basically how Google took over most of the internet.

I’ve said this many many times, but Halo Reach and Destiny have hands down the best UI/UX design of any videogame I’ve ever played.

Phantasy Star Online 3D! Oh wait we live in the universe where Sega forgot to give a shit. So Fire Emblem.

Well, there’ll be a sword, a horse, a boomerang, a bow, maybe even a hookshot!

My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying:

*sings* That’s what beta testing is foooooooooor.

All of my reviews this year will come with a pictorial verdict at the end.