Sterling, 6 (Mechanical)

Pretty sure he’s hated because huge swathes of people, myself included, find him astonishingly annoying. Only I typically (present exception excluded) keep my mouth shut and ignore him.

Software that contains visual art, storytelling, music, acting. All arts woven together yet no... video games aren’t art. Ok bro.

Who do you think is paying her to consult? The game companies. Who you say should be allowed to develop games however they want. So they want to be more inclusive and bring in Anita to help them. Why does that upset you?

I also like how he talks about strawman SJWs calling for him to be fired, when he represents a movement that has ACTUALLY MADE LEGITIMATE TERRORISTIC THREATS ON PEOPLE’S LIVES.

Gamergate V. Feminism is often operating on a different set of facts. This article smartly articulates a lot of those misconceptions - censorship predominately among them.

Seriously? She can voice her opinion on gaming, and people can choose to accept it, argue it or ignore it. Critique is key to any process. Voicing these opinions should not result in threats to her, or her livelihood - that is not helpful to anyone.

Oh you mean like how certain “sections” of gamergate have bullied developers, groups and organizations to change what they do for their righteous cause? Yeah your opinion doesn’t sound hypocritical at all...Hmmmm.

That’s not what she’s doing any more than like Pauline Kael or Roger Ebert were telling film makers how to make movies.

Do... Do you watch the news?

Biased in favor of... facts?

Exactly. I go to a chiropractor for soft tissue/fascia work (so no cracking, not even really chiropractic)— he straight up told me “adjustments” don’t work. The cracking chiro I used to go to had all sorts of nutty nut religious stuff in his office- I think he was part of a lunatic Catholic fringe group. I also went

This weekend an unvaccinated six year old boy was the first person to die of diptheria in 28 years in Spain. His parents rejected getting him vaccinated and now he’s dead. A vaccinated child is much better then a dead one.

That’s a hell of a good article. Why am I not surprised that a chiropractor is highly involved in the anti-vax movement?


Rrrrriiight. If it weren’t for consoles, PC wouldn’t be getting these AAA titles in the first place. Witcher 3’s console sales vastly outnumbering PC sales is a recent testament to this, and even CDProjekt admits that Witcher 3 would have been a much smaller project if they weren’t targeting consoles.

implying that the violence and sex censorship debate in america isn’t already a conversation with a lengthy history.

Women’s soccer and women’s tennis are every bit as good as the men’s game.

Oh look, someone who thinks their personal disinterest in a subject is something other people need to know about. The irony is that not caring about these issues and trying to ignore them actually contributes to the problem itself. Disinterest is tacit approval of the status quo. Congratulations on your white penis.

I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..