Sterling, 6 (Mechanical)

If he has, it sure as fuck didn’t stick.

ha ha i recognize this

Well one disagree versus 32 agrees sure makes it seem like you’re the odd one out.

You’re partly right: I read sloppily regarding the reveling.

Yes, pointing out how I don’t get to browse Kotaku as often as I like sure makes your initial comment incredibly witty at sum total.

“Magical thinking is the alchemy that you can use to visualize and project yourself into the professional and personal life you want.”

What an original joke

No, he fucking isn't, and he didn't, or at least he's crawled out of this trap for a goodly number of years now. Did you not see After Earth, The Last Airbender, etc.? "Just a theory."

That is some mighty righteous anger, hot damn! So tell me, at which point exactly did I revel in the tears of a child? I said that the kid learned from his (cheating) fuckup — again, supported by the kid's own words — and that the kid could within a Destiny-relatively short amount of time get back the things which


The Kotaku (but not the Game Informer) article neglects to mention that the kid gave over control so someone could cheat for him — by the kid's own admission. The kid learned.
