
As far as I know, from what I've heard and experienced, anything cold in the brewing process adds an unpleasant bitterness to coffee, especially espresso. So, cold portafilters, filter baskets, shot glasses or the final mug are all negative things.

Wow. Way to force the country back to checks, banks.

Very approximately.

Most have the sell by date printed on them, and were baked about a week previous.

Not when I have music playing and every other video everywhere has volume controls.

Fruit by the Foot, probably. Rather than Fruit Roll-Ups.

Why is there sound in this video and why do I have no option to mute it?

You have eyes, don't you? Choose to or not to sit on these clearly ad-printed benches. There's nothing being forced about it.

I do this with my music. I spend way more money on CDs than I know is reasonable, not just to have the music but because it makes me feel good.

People upgrade their computers while still in sellable condition? What?

This would be cool if it didn't arbitrarily decide I've failed, sitting doing nothing, no other audio on (as I realized it had been failing me for previously).

Angels and Demons, even if made after the Da Vinci Code, is set previous to it and is not truly a sequel.

So then, when you get hacked, -everything- gets hacked at once? Brilliant, guys.

@ProudGeek: But it's not an either/or sort of thing, in that I think this is more something you would do for fun, not something to help improve society or any particular person's life by volunteering time or money.

I have never in my life seen these boots. I'm a West-coaster, though.

So it's essentially a less awesome theremin, played by two people?

I don't know what you're talking about, I've never had this happen.

@Luizzle: Derezzed, if I recall?

Seriously? Why do malls, then, have SO MUCH GODDAMN PARKING? If it's -never- over 50%, why can't they just halve the size of the parking lot, and maybe decrease the overall footprint of these already grossly oversized wastes of land?