
I hope #PermitPatty got put under the jail for wasting the police’s time and for harassing a child.

An old Chinese lady hit two cars multiple times a block from my house and I stopped her, called the SFPD, and asked them to send out someone who spoke Cantonese to make an accident report. They refused. If the SFPD showed up to cite an eight year old girl for selling water when they won’t respond to non-injury traffic

Of course she sells weed. Of course she does. 

Or prefers animals over people

White people can’t mind their own damn business.

The Root did it! #Trending

This is exactly what I’m saying. How empty does your life have to be for you to call the police for such a bullshit reason. She’s the type of person that literally leaves her house just to cause havoc in other people’s lives.

Frankly, I cannot even fathom being the person who does not buy a bottle of water from an eight-year-old in this situation. It’s a child trying to earn some pocket money! It’s freaking water, which is most welcome in this heat! I mean, what else is there to say but: “How much is it, sweetie?”

In Becky's mind, if it's water today, it'll be crack and weed tomorrow. 

Never forget. 

Is she sure she didn’t have a permit? Did she ask first?

Heffer is such a solid, underused insult

If anything, she would buy from them because “economy” and shit.

“It’s not your property,” the white woman replied.

She tried to HIDE! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

I just moved out of a space I shared with a relatively new, and already former, friend. Among other, addiction-related issues she was struggling with, she would not could not understand how I, a biracial, could possibly take offense to her saying the N-word, as she was just repeating what someone else had said...

Just like roaches. If you see one, there’s at least a hundred in the area.

The “we’re talking *about* difficult words and yadda yadda, not using it in reference to people yadda yadda” thing might have been a reasonable argument to try a decade ago, but by now I think we white folks ought to just accept that it’s a third rail and leave it the fuck alooooone.

Probably should have fired him after the first one because generally speaking if white people say it once they’ll probably say it again.

Unfortunately, success is still not guaranteed with that route.