Stephen Webb

Clean out those leaves while your in there :)

Does it really matter at this point. There are people out there who classify Mustang, Camaros and Challengers sports cars. They may be blurring the lines a bit but sports cars they are not.

You going to need to have it serviced anyways at some point. What’s the harm in actually buying it from where it was purchased. People don’t understand what they want. They want direct sales? You can say goodby to any loyalty discounts and end of the month blowouts. You would be amazed at the deals that get made when

I’m not sure how IBM compares here. There really isn’t much to compare automotive sales too. Maybe buying a home is as close as it gets. Car sales is a crazy beast. The main problem with direct sales is customers want to drive it before they buy it. Some will demand to take it for a day or two to make sure. Direct

Damn what happened did you draw the short straw? What a non story. Certainly not Gizmodo material lol but hey whatever.

Lmao for every person who had lousy service at that dealership there’s a person to match who had lousy service at the dealership where you ended up purchasing. There is zero consitancy in dealership operations. I appreciate you story though. But be careful when proping a dealership up on a pedestal.

There’s got to be more to this. There’s not a dealer in existence that would refuse a car sale. They all need sales everyday They are never in a position were they have sold enough. It just doesn’t work that way.

Don’t forget for most race fans its the driver they follow. The car is just the tool.

Now this I could get behind right away.

Crashes and lots of them!

Cmon you got this! I have faith lol

I got this guy! We’ll get him a booster seat.

Autonomous but yeah lol

Were just technologically advanced enough for this to be a disaster. First off the cars are just a small part of why racing is so interesting. The biggest part is the drivers. The personalities. Connecting with that driver of choice for whatever reason. Car and no driver?

Are you sure about that? I’m not about to do the math right now but last I checked the increase in cost of a Hybrid compared to a fuel efficient gas engine was considerable. All in all it takes a lot for a hybrid to truely make financial sense at this point in time especially compared to something like a Honda Fit.

I don’t know anymore I forgot. I. Rereading it myself now and I think I may have misread the post at that time. My apolgies

This is just one reason why I stopped going to car shows. I want to talk cars. I want to listen to you and your cars story while sucking down a cold brew. I want to be able to help prop up your ego a little bit in regards to your car. But I get embarrassed for other people way too easily. When people start lying about

Been using Synergy for years

Just happy for the opportunity

Someday I will add one of these to my stable.