Exactly! A human only needs two ISPs. One for home and one for mobile. The car is always covered. Nobody ever actually gets the WiFi service. At least not at my dealer.
Exactly! A human only needs two ISPs. One for home and one for mobile. The car is always covered. Nobody ever actually gets the WiFi service. At least not at my dealer.
Funny but I have a lotus dealer near me. The Elise and Exige they have must be used I guess. Didn’t know they weren’t selling them here but it couldn’t have been too long ago.
Its a box on wheels. That’s all. There’s only so many ways to design a box.
But it does work for you. How else can you appreciate the cars that you do like without having any you don’t. I think its awesome. I’m not trying to read too much into it. Just enjoy it for what it is. Just look at Matt’s face. ALL SMILES!
Never! We won’t be outdone!
Superchillin. Intel compute stick? Dude shut up lol
Not at all I’m just clownin
Gravity? Hahaha awesome
Superchillin is an illegal payed streaming movie site that you will need to get invited to. There, now everyone knows what it is and its illegal did I mention that? Well just incase its illegal.
Your eyes must be better than mine and I have fantastic vision or maybe your just better at identifying these kinds of flaws but I didn’t think it looked half bad. I won’t be buying this though. Nothing but full versions if anything and after 5 if I’m going to buy a GT7 it better be damned good or I’ll pass.
Seen a spring compressor let go at my shop years ago. The spring took off the techs finger as it shot right over his shoulder and imbedded itself into 12 inch block wall on the other side of the shop. Last time I replaced struts in my car I bought the whole strut and spring assembly.
I have a Roku, Chromecast, PS3, PS4, and some TV,s have a PC connected. I stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime but my new thing has been ripping all my DVDs to a external hard drive distributed by Netgears Ready Play to Kodi (XBMC). I’m getting close to matching Netflix’s catalog.
Oh good its about time. I’m tired of spending my days worrying about all the horrible things going on in Hollywood.
As times goes on it happens less and less but about 10 years ago I swore off the fax machine. Since then whenever I’m requested to fax something I simply say no there’s email for that. I then usually have to hear about how insecure that it is but I tell them I don’t care. Take it or leave it.
Here’s what the term Extended Warranty means to me. You as a business are looking for a way to take the risk out of being in business and instead shift it to the consumer. Why would you as a business do this? Because you have little faith in that product. If the business has no faith in that product why should I?…
Didn’t even bother reading or watching this. Why? Because this was settled not long ago. Its over not under. Its clearly show in the Patent Office records.
On point! I have a Room a 550 its an older model I’ve had for a few years and I can’t say enough good things about it.
On point! I have a Room a 550 its an older model I’ve had for a few years and I can’t say enough good things about…
Lol grow up
Lol grow up
Beyhive boys! Lmao You must pay for it with myour man card.
Right I’m already doing it with my phone and my tablet, throwing an upgrade or two at my PC, swapping out one of the older Rokus, replacing a dead laptop, etc... I’ve got subscription services up the ass. When will the madness stop? Hahahaha its my own fault but I’m going to end up justifying a PS4.5 somehow.