el Suprehombre

Thanks Obama!

I wouldn't mind if Zelda ALBW gets delay. My wallet would like that.

Oh, I went there.

What an episode to grab a screen cap from. The season two "clip show". Yeah, I think she would have been a better fit on DS9. Her and Odo could've been grumpy buddies.

Are we seriously leaving off the infamous Superboy-Prime Retcon-Punch?


i can see a shark.

Always keep around a spare messiah.

But where's the obligatory Muse...oh never mind...

I was in gamestop recently and on line ahead of me was a woman with a boy of about 14 and she was buying him GTAV. I thought about maybe gently asking her if she was aware of the levels of explicit sex and violence in the game, then decided not to because her buying the kid a game was probably the most attention he

Please don't. If you allow me to blow your mind, then I have to hunt myself for killing you, which creates the "Guy who killed Hitler" paradox.

Well on a less creepy note, here's something I like to do on GTA V.

As much as a I hate fedoras, I still have a man crush on JT. #notgay #onelove #gayisok #fedoras #equalrights #ifhetriedtokissmewouldiresist #theoffice #andy #bradpitt #pittcum #danieltosh #davidbeckham #spicegirls

It was Lex Luthor's doing with that crystal thing from the fortress of solitude...

Naked and Scared Challenge is not offered on Sundays.

Well those choices sound just as bad actually.