el Suprehombre

You know it, bro!

But wait, there's more!

Exactly, I was always old enough for the age checker. I'll admit I would probably have lied if I wasn't old enough.

You kids these days...seriously.

Disney characters existed outside of videogames for a very long time you know...

Fantasia came out in 1941.

Doritos and Mountain Dew, what else?

Its really a bit worrying that this mod is still better than the official iron man games. Cant beat a good ol' sandbox superhero game. Though spiderman seems intent on trying to sully that even if it did create it.

$189,016 is fairly cheap considering the plastic surgery required to look like the model in the pictures. What's that? That's not included? Wow, they should really put in a disclaimer for that. False advertising.

Well, not to put too fine a point on the Wii U, but if you see a man jump from a building, you're not going to stop the tragedy by admiring his impeccable diving form.

meanwhile , in Spain ...

Can people see the liveblog now?

GET THE POWER! Nintendo Power!

YOU FOOL, Gran turismo 6 IS Half-Life 3!

*smokes bubble pipe*

Gran Turismo 6 is 12 characters. It will no doubt be on the PS4. 12 divided by 4 is 3. Half of 6 is 3.

Half-Life 3 Confirmed.

Now our Castle is in another princess.

Lol...well dayum.