Fanny Alger

Is there anything Paul F. Tompkins can't do??

In Daly's avclub interview he talked a little bit about it. Basically I think they tried to have some amount of explanation or discussion of his job, but it seemed funnier to just go with it. Personally, I don't mind suspending my disbelief - it really does add to the humor when he tries to explain his decisions

Watch your mouth with The Masters in such close proximity, ElDan!

Because there aren't individual episode reviews of Review, I just want to say how incredible episode three: "Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes" was. Andy Daly can't miss.

It is cool. You can generally find the proprietor there showing off his princess Leia-gold-bikini tattoo, which he had signed by Carrie Fisher and then tattooed her signature. Big poster of her signing it on the wall.

My joke stands!

I live in Olympia and I surf so I drive through Aberdeen regularly. When you get close to the town there's a sign that says "Welcome to Aberdeen: Come as You Are". I've always joked that the runner up was "Welcome to Aberdeen: Rape Me". Does anyone know if that was the slogan before the song, or is it a tribute?

I also really liked how Chris Pratt's character is clearly trying to follow the fashion trends of the time, but just ends up looking goofy.

Take a friend!

"Cinderella Man" is a great song! A Farewell to Kings fucking rocks front to back, man.

California - "Aenima"

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus  you can go on youtube and listen to a bunch of soundboard recordings from Hemispheres era tours… Cygnus X-1 Book I and Book II back to back?! It's insane they even tried that.

@avclub-bc92e42632ffada4b747ec33b74edf6b:disqus Today?? Seriously?! I was just checking up on that last week.  Alex has been saying for years it was in the works.  Have you heard the remastered Earthshine or Vapor Trails? That should give you an idea of what it will be like.

Google "Rush and Mystic Dissociative Phenomena" that guy fucking LOVES Caress of Steel.  It's also one of the weirder and amazing sites on the internet.

@avclub-b0cf188d74589db9b23d5d277238a929:disqus Totally agree.  Although, judging by Beyond the Lighted Stage, it seems like they steer clear of Caress of Steel stuff as much because they're sort of embarrassed by it, as it would be hard for Geddy to sing.  That's kind of an assumption, so I hope I'm wrong.  I do

@avclub-ff0921ff57d809cb0649b1e1238dc448:disqus  "He's an entertainer!"

Oversight on my part!  Nice list, I like that you have Caress of Steel so high!  I might be wrong, but I don't think they've played anything live from that album since the early 80's.  c'mon guys!

Yeah, I probably should move it up, I just haven't gotten that into it yet.  I think something about the vocals on the most recent albums kinda bugs me.  It's not just Geddy's sound, but the way every line is sort of drawn out.  Like, the difference between:

Vapor Trails gets a lot of hate because of the mastering, which is clearly compressed and just cranked up way too high.  I have a lot of nostalgia associated with the album, though, it came out when I was in high school, it was the first time I saw them live, and I was just so damn happy they were back together.

Shit, missed one! I have it after Roll The Bones. The biggest change for me the past few years has been the super 80's sounding albums like Signals, Power Windows and Grace Under Pressure moving up the ranks.  I think for awhile I was turned off by the sound, but now I love it.  I watch "A Show of Hands" a lot on