Stephen the Canuck

What do small violins sound like a higher elevation? Just curious.

Perhaps the wolves in Destiny are dangerous because their master doesn’t let them eat meat. They can only put Saladin their mouths.

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

Go to Texas, plenty of whales on land there

so....... This is gross but, I am a conventionally attractive young woman who goes to a gym that is largely creep-free. BUT the other day a dude was basically following me around the gym just “happening” to need the equipment right next to me, and then not really working out. Just staring. After the 6th time I caught

Kinjas being kinja so I can’t staryu

Bring a Fire-type. Ice is weak against Fire.

Haha, I’d love to hit up Mosport, that’s one of my favorite tracks from the old sim Sports Car GT.

There’s a guy (Dale Patterson) up there that races a Formula w/ a ITB’d 455 LS7 on some of those tracks. It sounds heavenly and goes like stink.

Wheel of Time for me. Just finished the first book.

Fun semi-related story - when my mom was a kid, she found her mom’s birth control pills and thought they were candy. Didn’t want to just down them all at once, so she tried half of one. Didn’t taste good, so didn’t eat any more.

i feel like this applies

They always skip over the “well-regulated” part.

Do you think they skipped over the “well-regulated” part?

It sounds like Pogge can’t cant kant.

Who wants to keep a record of reading Andrew’s articles though?

That’s a sheep shot.

You bring up some good points that are definitely worth discussing. The conversation over “leaks” in gaming journalism is an interesting one, and one we’ve discussed a LOT internally. (I sit next to Stephen, and he and I have conversations about this sort of thing ALL the time.)

I have never watched hockey. Ever. I can’t explain why, really. I just never cared. But my kids were curious about the sport when we accidentally flipped to this last night. And between my valiant (and failed) attempts at explaining the rules and the frantic energy seen from the players, we were captivated by this

Kill him? Why would I do that? I've done far worse, I've destroyed his family, his friends, and brought the leader of his kind to his knees before I threw him off of a balcony. I won't kill you goomba, because there's no need to. I've already destroyed you.