
what that coming thought the grid, is it a monster no it alonso brilliant driver his ferrari year prove it as vettel struggled to win 4 year after alonso left.

face facts bbc bosses will have to make a decision, on harris and reid when matt leave same goes for schmit and jordan.

i not ignoring the money side, but rating have gone from 6.4 million to 2.4 million overnight for the season opener.

the blame for top gear version 3.0 failure in the UK, roll unto Chris Evans as the ratings have never recovered from it despite good oversea sales like you said.

it a fair point the guardian guys make, as if your a new guy do you want Harris and Reid after they worked with both Evans and Le Blanc.

guardian and metro as well

no i do not no one bother about the tv show anymore, next guy in will do the same format it over as there call in the uk press for top gear to be cancelled.

no one bother about it anymore, as top gear needed a new home and a new format and rid off xtra gear as well.

it will be shortly as waverly council, have been given goverment permission to start work on the houses it needed a new home

no it been shut down

BBC boss want it all and they want it now, good ratings be able to sell a tv show that the bbc got 145 million pounds from buying bebber 6 in 2012 a company they shut down after transfer the assest to bbc worldwide accounts.

Your a Blistering Idoit sunshine so you are, BBC is a British TV company UK rating come first and a Bafta nomination is noted by BBC bosses as good success.

the last offical award nomination top gear landed , was a UK national tv award for best entertainment show for season 22 under clarkson three years ago now.

you said a Bafta nomination is not success, i disagree so i do as a getting a bafta nomination is difficult and a sound award nomination is very good as Grand tour ia a bafta nominated tv show.

3 host in 4 years will they sell it again i reckon, and at the same price with host leaving it stock fall badly i reckon if BBC want top dollar.

i think a Bafta nomination for best factual sound, will disagree with you on that point i rather have that success than what Top Gear did under Evans.

Sent a well done message to Chris Evans, more commonly known as shouty mcshout face for destroying Le Blanc and co stock as Top Gear hosts.

you mean the Bafta Nominated Grand Tour, it pick up that Bafta nomination for best Factual sound also Two Television radio industries club award nomination for best Subscription show here in the UK.

Matt saw the writing on the wall i reckon, as Top Gear UK overnight rating hit a 2.99 million season average the lowest they been in it 41 year history.

fell asleep after 5 minutes knew who win dull race.