I spotted the Canadian version of this ad in French.
I spotted the Canadian version of this ad in French.
Not a 1968 GT-500KR. I couldn't resist to post this video of a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT-500 featured in the anime Gunsmith Cats in a car chase scene. ;-)
Cude ad but I still prefer the one broadcasted in the 2011 SuperBowl showed the other drivers as "sheeps".
Let's add the 1956-57 Continental Mark II to the list. [auto.howstuffworks.com]
Shades of "Repo Man" I guess. [jalopnik.com]
Reason magazine got an article on this [reason.com]
I tried to imagined once a Camaro based Riviera, here the sketch posted on Deviantart with more or less success....
+1, I agree :-) A close second would be the 1st-gen 1963-65 models.
However there was one guy who was very angry if the State of Michigan goes in. O_o
Yeah, and there's a good rant at [www.urbanophile.com]
There was also a talk about the UP on AAroads about it and looks like great minds meet, I think they should be with Wisconsin as well.
Althought there was some rare 1971 "The Machine" with the Matador.
A close cotender would be the 1970 AMC Rebel "The Machine".
1963 Rambler American hardtop, the old 1950 basic body (updated in 1961) got an hardtop for its final year. (There was a Nash Rambler hardtops before, however it was discontinued after 1955)
No mention of Spritle and Chim-chim? ;-) Picture from [www.brainmole.com]
You're welcome. :-)
For a moment, I taught it was about the Canadian rock band. ;-)
Depends on which area of Chicagoland. I spotted that video on the following blog [www.urbanophile.com]
Maybe the Avengers should ask the following Avengers to resolve this mystery. ;-)
For 1st Reverse: What could come next? Renaming the Coleman A. Young airport? ;-)