Here one more article about it at []
Here one more article about it at []
5th Gear: Commonwealth isn't alone. Dan Gilbert wants to attract some former Yahoo employees as well to Detroit. []
Wasn't during early '81 then the former VW plant in Pennsylvania opened and built the Rabbit?
Meanwhile from what I saw at [] A Youtube clip with Whoopi Goldberg on that question.
I agree and add to the list the 370Z.
Better to dream of a Corvette instead of dreaming of a Camry. ;-)
For those who are a bit curious, there also some short archived articles on Reason magazine of Santorum
I prefer that banned Corvette ad anyway. ;-)
Or the remixed version made a bit later.
Time to play "Space Oddity" as a tribute to the space shuttle. Original version.
I also spotted this thread on Skyscraperpage [] and this article on this blog titled "Can Latinos save Detroit?".
For 6th gear, I also found that video on Vimeo about Detroit City limits. And there is another video who was mentionned om DetroitYes where one guy have some guts to said high what he taught.
I got some flashbacks of that early 1990s sketch with Adam Sandler and the late Chris Farley.
Here another clip from the Air Farce from 2008. Edit: Here the correct link to the clip []
On a off-topic note, SNL did another Romney sketch
And it can do some drag racing as well. Someone posted an old article from Popular Science about the "Propane-X" Charger at
Time to sing "Propane". ;-)
Speaking of Akira, I spotted that parody.
A real constrast compared to what happens in a school located in Mass and in another school in Quebec. []
Comment of the day!:-)