Stephanie Press

No he doesn't. He left because he was worried Coulson would make good on the mind-wipe threat and he knows Kara will have a melt-down without him, just like she did when Whitehall died. Coulson's whole phone conversation was him taunting him about not being able to help Kara.

I liked it. I hope they keep him out of the suits for awhile.

Raina's dream had Skye having dinner with her parents with all the same details Lincoln witnessed.

Coulson put her there to protect her from SHIELD.

I don't think Coulson was being serious about doing that to Ward. HYDRA would, though.

Or Kara gave him some orders Ward doesn't know about. :D

Yeah, the Inhumans are xenophobic. Like how Lincoln won't believe Mike when he says he's Skye's friend. How he's spying for Jiaying. How he trusts Raina because she's "one of them". That phrase was used this episode.

He might want to get her back for shooting him. Or try to use her to make Coulson twist in the wind.

It would be so great if his obsession with Skye screws up his own plans and then he ends up getting dropped off a cliff or something.

Ward doesn't really know what's going on with any of them. Ward sees them the same way in S1 and it will backfire on him. They're very different people now.

Because she didn't just get unbrainwashed, she's lost. And Ward is taking advantage of her. Why was she being all sneaky calling her mom while Ward was away?

I love Mike.

I doubt she is. She probably wants answers, but I doubt she agrees with "real" SHIELD, but I'd love to see her PTSD resolved.

Also, Cal probably used his serum on her to help her heal and it made her a bit mad like him.

Being with Ward, period, is not really healthy or fair.

The show doesn't like to pit female characters against each other, really. I'm sure Ward's going to feel the pain.

I hope not. I like this show better than the Avengers franchise.

Oliver, I really appreciate you making the comment about AOS' diversity. I love the way the women are written on this show, I think it really sets it apart. The soap opera stuff present in the other superhero shows is really kept to a minimum here, and those tropes are often deconstructed instead.

Skye wanted to get away from Lincoln. She went to the roof, saw the Quinjet, hoped SHIELD was there and came back down. Then she sees Coulson with Ward.

Since Ward has used a child as a human shield and murdered a handicapped man, and joined HYDRA, I think his chances with Skye are slim?