
Why would you pay money to see her lipsync and phone in her “dance” performance? Nostalgia? I jut don’t get it.

Yeah, well- I have also seen Hairspray, so I know everything I need to know about racial issues in Baltimore. Just dance it out, people!

Landing in Chicago was the worst landing experience I have ever had! Very scary. San Diego isn’t much fun either.

Excellent! It's about damn time.

Taco Bell is replacing the waffle taco with biscuit taco. It was just announced :)

He's trying SO hard. So much second-hand embarrassment.

Without fail!

She was AMAZING!

Then don't read Midweek Madness- caps, run-on's, frantic thoughts interrupting sentences and snide asides galore. It is so. bad. The person who took it over is just awful.

I feel like I need an Adderal after reading your MWM posts. Can we just ease up and maybe limit fonts to like, 2, and make a few sentences that read calmly? I think you're trying too hard.

This is bothering me, too.

In the longer video, you can see Lange waiting her turn for pictures- then she gets fed up of Lea Michele posing like an idiot and just busts through. It's classic :D

I don't know... Ben the veteran was too dumb to be morally corrupt. He may be the only person on that show that was never a villain.

This dress really does no favors for her chest. Girl has curves for days, though!

Kim is *this* close to one surgery too many. She's already getting that feline look of too much work. Leave well enough alone, girl!

I just read on the AWFUL gawker article with the video that the WalMart guy was shot by a POLICE bullet. So there's that whole other argument in action- how are the cops supposed to know who is "good," and who is "bad?"

Yes. Most of the comments on the news article (and FB link) made it appear that we have a whole lot of wanna-be heros on our hands. It didn't help the poor man in that Wal-Mart. Guns + Guns = Death. You are so right.

Why is it always an all or nothing approach?? Why does it always have to be about banning guns completely? Why not talk about increasing the difficulty of just anyone owning a gun? Taking a test before legally owning one? Reducing the size of ammo clips so they have to stop and reload, giving people a chance?

A school district in Yakima, WA (Toppenish, I think?) has allowed 11 administrators and teachers to carry weapons in their classrooms/schools. I'm just disgusted. I am a teacher, and the day they ask me to carry is the day I quit. Fuck that noise.

Ugh. What are you even blathering on about? Last I heard, he's doing just fine beyond the typical backlash of a popular artist getting overplayed.