
My comment is simple: Reading her daughter's reaction broke my heart.

Oh, man- in the books, I LOVED how you never knew what the game makers were going to do next. It seems that flashing to them would take away some/a lot of the suspense? I think I am most disappointed that Haymitch is not portrayed correctly, and that Snow encourages the game makers to kill Katniss- why on Earth would

"Zuul" is the name my husband and I have given our unborn child. Fitting, since it feels like there is no me, only Zuul.

Through almost all of those pictures, there is rarely a smile or emotion in her eyes... until the rage around:40. I recoiled from the screen when :40 came on...

My thoughts, exactly. I have about a month every year (July) where I feel rested... and then, WHAM! it's back to sleepless, restless, anxious nights. I am either grading, planning, differentiating, planning for the upcoming year, wondering where the money will come from for the supplies I need, thinking about

I teach second grade, and for the first time ever I had a student who was capable of pulling a gun out with intent to harm. Shoot, it was scary enough what he could do with a pair of safety scissors- and I have no doubt that had he been able to get his hands on a gun, very bad things could have happened. 8 year-olds

@ geekgeekgal Now you're simply being a condescending asshole. I call troll.

This really rubbed me the wrong way, too. Are we supposed to forget the poor life choices she made that most likely led to her death? I mean... I DO blame drug users for choosing to use drugs, and I DO blame the people around her who enabled. Just because someone dies does not mean personal responsibility is

As a second grade teacher, I would like to say: That is fucking bullshit.

Uh, Eastsider here (Kirkland) who is SUPER EXCITED that this went through, as are many, many of her friends! Stop generalizing please and thank you.

I would love to see a close-up of that ring- it was sparkling bright even from that far away!

Click on your name from the main screen to get to your profile, then click on "45 Followers" or whatever your number may be (found in small letters under your name on the left). I agree- that needs to be clarified a little bit better. I just kind of stumbled on it while clicking around the site.

As a teacher, I LOVE Pinterest! It's revitalized a lot of my practice. Education thrives on collaboration, and because of fellow Pinners, I have found so many wonderfully designed teaching blogs. I have also been able to share some of my great ideas, too.

I teach second grade in a suburban mostly white/hispanic and middle/lower class school, and you would not believe the things I have had heard. The other day, one of my students told another girl, "You were a sickness growing inside your mom. She should have taken care of that problem when she had the chance."

I think you might be referring to Taylor Mali?

I know he's British... but all I can hear when Blizzard raps is Jonah from "Sunny Heights High."

I must be my mother.

Her eyes are SO beautiful! But the iris on the right looks larger than the other. Maybe it was just the flash?

If that really is her posting comments under her name, she's just proving the head-shaker's points- 19 is terribly immature to be married. Her comments to other users (provided it's not a troll), are very "facebook-y" in their nature. Not what I would expect from someone who is older than her years.

I was offered the chance to do a retake, but then the licensing gal threw in a nice little aside, "But I don't think it'll do any good." Ahhh, DMV workers.