
Mods are the only reason for me to go back to either. Even then I’m extremely unlikely to do a full playthrough. I’m just in long enough to see how the mod affects the game, or if it’s a content mod, to play through it. I’m currently playing around with the Sim Settlement mods for Fallout 4, and I have zero intention

He sits alone on the giant throne
Pretendin’ he’s the king
A little tyke who’s rather like
A puppet on a string
And he throws an angry tantrum
If he cannot have his way
And then he calls for Mom while he’s suckin’ his thumb
You see, he doesn’t want to play

Brotherhood ends better, but it skims over a lot of character development stuff that was covered in more detail in the original series. I think it’s worth watching the original first as it does a better job of letting you get to know the characters and seeing them grow, then watching Brotherhood for the more

Just a reminder that if you go through a portion of what you spend goes to a charity you pick.

Just a reminder that if you go through a portion of what you spend goes to a charity you pick.

It’s kind of hard to say until we get the conclusion of the story. So far he’s on the well-trod path of an underestimated badass. HL1 was Gordon’s rise to badassery. HL2 is affirming that it wasn’t a fluke, and the Combine simply do not know who they were fucking with. I think a big part of why we don’t have the third

Barney did visibly age. He was in his early 20's in HL1, and in HL2 he’d be in his 40's to early 50's, and he’s got greying hair. Barney didn’t just happen to be at the train station you start in, the G-Man deliberately put you in the train station Barney was at. It makes perfect sense for the Resistance to have

More like “Hey, that guy killed the jerk who had enslaved us to use in his fight against the Combine.”

You’re arguement is pretty good, except for one thing: you’re forgetting about the Vortigaunts. They’re why Gordon Freeman has the reputation he has in Half-Life 2. They were previously enslaved by the Nihilanth (who may have been a rebel against the Combine, but was the one leading the assault against Earth in