There has never been a truer statement. Deen just looks like a regular white dude. He is not tall, not super built...he is just a white dude. Women are taught this because most of the mediums we watch are run by mediocre white men.
There has never been a truer statement. Deen just looks like a regular white dude. He is not tall, not super built...he is just a white dude. Women are taught this because most of the mediums we watch are run by mediocre white men.
Women in America are taught to love mediocre white men and that’s him in a nutshell.
I’m a Pats fan, gotten to see SIX FUCKING SUPER BOWLS, and I’ll still bitch about officiating and all that shit.
Fatima grew up in a domestic harem—a household with her family and her uncles’ families. There were quarters for each nuclear family, an apartment for the brothers’ mother, and a locked gate with a guard to keep the women from leaving without permission. Her father adored her mother, and did what he could to make her…
yeah that bit was really confusing. Fatima must have been born in 1940. But her grandmother was in a domestic harem?
I have all the respect for Malala’s bravery and for what she’s done. However, Islam (and every single organized religion) stands in opposition of women’s rights. No amount of cherry picking will ever change that fact.
I hate that I’d never heard of this woman. Feminist Studies only go so far. Well, I’ll be adding her books to the top of my reading list, at least.
Doctor: “ok how do you spell your name?”
How bad is it that I now think of events with, “I can’t wait to see what John Oliver says about this...”? :)
Nailed it :/
It would be really easy to mock this but I actually think it’s really nice for those kids. Sure the parents are ridiculous celebrities so it’s easy to forget that the children are real children, but they are, and I’m glad their parents are being supportive and loving through their break up.
While I agree that rape and sex are fundamentally different, the whole “rape is always about power and control, and never about sexual desire” thing that has been accepted as a truism really goes too far.
I recall watching video of them destroying huge blocks of cheese and being so sad. Not just at the cheese going to waste, but at how many hungry people could be fed by that delicious cheese. I mean, fuck, if you don’t want your own people to have it, couldn’t you just donate it somewhere or something? Do you really…
That’s Denmark for ya.
Me too. I’m somewhat horrified at how many undercover racists and xenophobes have revealed themselves on my fb feed lately. I miss none of them and I may not have a rage stroke after all!
Maybe one day they’ll cross a moral line and kill an opponent’s assistant on the sideline for some sort of advantage no one else comprehend