The whole Laguna plotline is some absurdly awkward, tedious, ultimately pointless padding. But weirdly endearing at the same time.
The whole Laguna plotline is some absurdly awkward, tedious, ultimately pointless padding. But weirdly endearing at the same time.
Train train takes us awaaaaay, take us away far awaayyyyyyyyyy.
Yeah, try telling that to the guy in the $4,000 red cape. The red capes are COME ON!
Lex Luthor (watching Doomsday trash the Lexcorp building): “I’ve made a huge mistake.”
Hey everyone! Check out THIS weirdo!
I found a lot of the stuff in your novel resonated in ways that I rarely get when I read books, in terms of tapping into something that feels incredibly now - I feel as though the book hit at the exact right time! Fingers crossed when I decide to revisit it in 10 years time (say), the terrifying stuff won’t have come…
You should receive some sort of skills bonus for the Brainy O'Mope / Mopey O'Brains combo
Genius. Gent. RIP.
Things really have unravelled quite spectacularly for me in a fairly short space of time.
Am I the only one who thinks we all eventually turn into the thing that we despise?
I thought it was just me who hated it
That has made my day (partly because I thought Mr Lehrer was dead and am pleasantly surprised to find out that he's still around, but mostly because everything about the story fills me with joy).
Excellent, thanks for the link!
Well, you just blew all my minds.
Congrats dude, it made me feel totally helpless and alone in a cruel and uncaring universe, so mission accomplished I guess!
Upvoted even though The Kid is the absolute worst.
Not even the Bothans survived.
You had a good run.
Last (or latest, at least).