
Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money.


"Stream of conscience"

Fair enough, if you say so. Just seems a bit of an unfair demand to make - those of us who've been watching the show, and reading the recaps, from the beginning will want the reviewer to discuss it in detail. Inevitably, this will mean spoilers for those who haven't watched it. Tailoring every single review so that it

"Season 2 could see the return of Miles Lydon, the Rising Tide member and Skye's ex-boyfriend"

Is there even room for another femme fatale in Person Of Interest? She'd better not be cutting into my Shoot time, s'all I'm sayin'.

Are there really that many people reading a review of the finale of the ninth season of a show in order to work out whether they want to watch it?

What if they had to fight each other? That'd be some unstoppable force vs. immovable object shit right there.


"Where's other Barry? WHERE'S OTHER BARRY?"

I liked that it was within reaching distance of where Jack was standing. He didn't even need to walk anywhere to get it.

Well, 24's UK PM is an ineffectual, jowl-y posho who rolled over as soon
as the POTUS raised his voice, so in that sense it's a pretty accurate

You guys aren't even trying any more, are you?

They pretty much use it in every other episode of Person Of Interest.

"Yeah, I broke it. So whaekllaopjgklnsifg90g0000000011111111111000101001011100010

No Cybermen please thanks bye.

Something's rotten in the state of Denmark!

I'm good thanks.

I'm working on filling some of the many gaps in my SF book knowledge. Recently finished M John Harrison's "Light", currently reading "Neuromancer", thinking I might embark on "The Reality Dysfunction" next.

What's inappropriate about it? Genuine question, not starting an argument.