This isnt a democracy, it's a Steftatership

Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.

I would love a 4 day work week, I know people who work 9 hour days and take every second friday off and it’s like this magical boost to their quality of life. The company loses 0 hours of productivity, too. I’d work 10 hours 4 days a week for every Friday (or Monday) off, no question.

I think this is good but could be handled better. For one, studies show that workers are only really productive 4 to 5 hours per day and the rest is spent wasting time by chatting or doodling. People should be allowed to work at home. That might help somewhat with the river of blood issue. Second, we need a 4 day work

This isn’t a news site. It’s a blog.

yes, we are as a collective aware about it and another bomb was disarmed.

You know a bomb just went off in the St. Petersburg subway and killed 10 people. Maybe we could talk about that or literally anything other than these awful, boring people.

I am guilty of obsessing over #postbabybod so I really appreciate this

Texas working very, very hard to fall on the “Bathroom Bill” grenade, and it will blow up in their faces, too.

Really, what needs to happen is that the states that are most often Blue need to stop doing business with the states that are most often red in general.

Yeh, it just shows you how little women are really valued in society.

What we need is Federal intervention, Mandate that a certain percentage of business must be conducted in N. Carolina. And Tax Breaks! or Credits! something with Taxes that will help out the poor oppressed N. Carolinians, but not the gays or browns, or poors. - A republican, probably. 

No no no. It’s only the free market when it serves their ideology. If it doesn’t, it’s the liberal media pushing that sjw bullshit narrative.

Well, you can’t stop people from shooting themselves in the foot. Repeatedly...

That’s his life plan.

We can only hope!

How about repeal and replace the GOP? Every last one of them.

I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.

how about repeal and replace their existence?

repeal and replace this administration.

Okay, I’ll check back in 8 years... and we’ll probably still be blaming Obama. :)