
I’ve been arguing all week with my friends who voted for President-Elect Cheeto, and all I have to say is this: If you tell me you “will not tolerate racism, hate, harassment or violence,” but you voted for Trump, then you really aren’t being true to your word.

I’m from Ireland, and I’ve been reading Jezebel for years. This website and it’s commenters have given me more of an education than my actual degree did. I read every single article and discussion leading up to the election and I was with you all this week while you hoped and cried and despaired and swore. I read

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

“We dip shits out here also provide your food ...” —

Are they mannequins, or mannecan’ts?? 

Dude moving his eyes killed me.

I had that exact same haircut in Grade 4. That was when we agreed, as a family, that mom should stop cutting my hair.

Someone on my FB page posted about how Planned Parenthood has only been around for 100 years and women managed our health just fine before that. Um, no we fucking didn’t. We had babies we didn’t want and died in childbirth.

My 14 year old is extremely interested in politics. As a homeschool kid she has the option to choose a lot of her curriculum. Today she said, “ I want it centered around politics. I want to walk out of college and change the world.” And so it shall be. She will have a mess to clean up but I hope all young girls and

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

It’s disruptive? Have you even walked a damn sidewalk in NYC? You’re being ridiculous but enjoy the attention, thirsty.

Oh yes, I’m sure the booing distracted him so much he mis-marked the ballot or got scared and couldn’t vote.

This comment is dumb as hell.

According to your logic, if I boo Trump when he goes into McDonalds, I’m booing him for eating.

Booing him doesn’t affect his ability or right to vote. They’re merely expressing their disregard for the man himself.

They’re booing him as the candidate, not the voter.

I can boo AND vote!

Free speech my friend. Just as he had the right to say every despicable thing that dribbled from his fish mouth, he also must face the consequences of said free speech.

Plenty of people are excited.

I like how sexual assault is just “a different perspective”

Chapelle was punching down when he mansplained/defended a man who clearly admitted to what amounts to sexual assault. He was punching down when he told groups of minorities to be ashamed of themselves for what amounts to fighting for their civil rights.