But the last part - “crunch, you stepped on my foot” - that’s pure nonsense. She was in the tail section, where she no doubt saw him, but he headed straight to his middle section seat.
But the last part - “crunch, you stepped on my foot” - that’s pure nonsense. She was in the tail section, where she no doubt saw him, but he headed straight to his middle section seat.
It’s hard for me to get excited about Fire + Water, but after this latest viewing, I’m seeing some of the things you wrote about in our last discussion about this episode.
Sorry I haven’t been around lately, stef. I’ve been meaning to post random stuff but I also didn’t watch much Lost recently so I haven’t had enough to say.
A couple of stray thoughts on Everybody Hates Hugo before I get to the main topic...
“Seriously, though: the love quadrangle was *toxic.*”
OK stef, I’m back. :-)
Exodus has been a fairly rich episode for me to mine from currently, even after all these rewatches. For this post, I’m going to keep it lighter and base it on a conversation that Arzt was having with Hurley, right before he got blown up.
I think both quotes, while not used in the same context, can have that positive connotation, but I probably didn’t make my point very well either.
OK, resuming our Season 1 discussion...
Re: Locke, I’ll give you alienating Michael...that one’s fairly obvious so that’s on me. But as far as Boone and Shannon are concerned, Shannon’s issue is not with Locke, it’s with Boone.
“I’m not sure Michael would confess his feelings about Sun to anyone.”
Random topic time: watching Season 1 always reminds me of the great character bonds being built between the survivors, but I also think that there could have been even more scenes featuring combos that we don’t see enough of.
Here’s a question that I don’t think anyone really asks about Locke: putting all the possible MIB influence aside, does he have a reason to get off the Island, or is he content to stay there and hunt, explore, live in the caves with the rest?
“But because of changing social forces outside Lost itself - especially the rise of misogyny in how female characters are judged in *many* properties...”
“I hadn’t thought of this till you mentioned the caves, but what if the caves themselves were the FIRST analogue of the Source, predating the Temple by millennia even? The caves have a source of “living water” just as the Heart of the Island does.”
After watching Whatever the Case May Be last week, I started thinking again about the “Kate hate” and wondering if this was the episode that was the main source of that.
Your last thoughts about the caves...do you think that has to do with the end of Across the Sea? Mother, Jacob and MiB all spent a lot of time there, but MiB killing Mother set off a chain of events that would eventually lead to Jack and Kate discovering “Adam and Eve”, and then Jack decided to stay in the caves of…
Now Part 2 will be about The Moth and Confidence Man, after your replies got me thinking again. ;-)
Your points about White Rabbit reminded me of something else I wanted to write about Jack and Christian.
I know I’ve already written a lot about White Rabbit, because it’s incredibly underrated to me, but after watching it again, I just had to post a few things: