>>Kate sure doesn’t seem to have a problem with the hatch or taking over Desmond’s job.
>>Kate sure doesn’t seem to have a problem with the hatch or taking over Desmond’s job.
Happy day-after-the-LOST-finale day! I know where I was eight years ago: reading all the salt streaming from people’s keyboards about “The End,” how elated or disappointed they were, how their ships did or didn’t sail, etc.
>>Locke, re: Walt: “As long as we’re here, I think he should be allowed to realize his full potential.”
No, I was too devastated to watch the Jimmy Kimmel thing after “The End.” Never got around to it. Later, I watched the filmed segment that was a send-up of The Sopranos finale; chuckled at Hurley & Claire as the married couple.
>>”Don’t tell me what I can’t do!”
>>I wouldn’t be surprised to see some people say that they stopped watching the show because of how the women get treated.
I’m not sure Michael would confess his feelings about Sun to anyone. Too risky if Jin did manage to find out. (Hurley’s a bit braver with “Your wife’s hot.” But Jin doesn’t seem to see Hurley as a threat in the same way he does Michael.)
>> does [Locke] have a reason to get off the Island, or is he content to stay there and hunt, explore, live in the caves with the rest?
>>at the same time, [Locke hopes] that they’ll see the same things in the Island that he sees. <<
>>Your last thoughts about the caves...do you think that has to do with the end of Across the Sea? Mother, Jacob and MiB all spent a lot of time there, but MiB killing Mother set off a chain of events<<
Have I mentioned how much I hate Kinja? Sorry, just had to get that out.
Sawyer in my view is doing two things here: giving into despair and in a sense provoking “suicide by cop,” in this case at Sayid’s hands. He wants to be hated; he hates himself & everyone around him. He’s been pushing everyone for a week, especially Jack. So far, all Jack has done is stop the fights, acted as…
>>MiB is still in recruiting mode when Jack, Hurley and company arrive at Locke’s camp, so he’ll say anything that he thinks will get Jack to leave the Island with the rest.<<
Agree 100% about White Rabbit being a critical early-Season 1 episode; I’d put it up there with “Walkabout” in importance. It can’t be discussed enough.
All good points about Hurley’s character. I agree that growing up in a rougher neighborhood might have affected his view. Also, I have head canon that his older brother got into trouble, while Hurley was “the good kid.”
Ray was a decent guy; and Kate understood why he turned her in. That she wasn’t bitter or angry about it shows a good character-defining moment early on in the show.
>>>And if one does bookend this with The End, they will see a lot of what made these characters so great.
Technically they *are* going to a funeral, though: the coffin is delivered to the church; it’s put in a “preparation room” where the family can have a few quiet moments before the service itself starts. I think the use of nature colors in the costumes (Sayid, Rose, Hugo, Boone and a few others in browns; Kate and…
Aww, I love that picture!
>>>I’ve always wondered why Kate changed her dress...<<<