I just ordered "The Last Episodes;" it should arrive in a week or so. It pretty much renders the "Easy Listening" playlist obsolete, doesn't it? Oh well.
I just ordered "The Last Episodes;" it should arrive in a week or so. It pretty much renders the "Easy Listening" playlist obsolete, doesn't it? Oh well.
Yeah, Eloise and Daniel have got some work ahead of them. It's just the kind of project Hurley loves, though. He would meddle just like he did with Miles and Chang in 1977 Dharmaville.
Re: Jacob's touch…
Whether Ilana accepts Ben sincerely or not, it doesn't make this scene any less powerful.
But since he's rarely alone …
To sum up:
Nobody mentions The Years of Rice and Salt (2001) as an influence for LOST's FSW, but in it, a group of friends keep getting reincarnated together throughout history, wind up in the bardo for an interlude, then get reincarnated again.
That was probably me; I've been writing about the Temple as a microcosm of the Island for some time now.
Yeah, that's right… Charlie and Miles never got to meet. That would be an interesting match-up. You could light fires with the snark.
>>>>Jack doesn't tell Kate because he thinks she's had enough, even though she tells him "it was NOT all misery."
Since I was in the "What Kate Does" neighborhood, and had never answered this (sorry, late 2015 really sucked for me)…
>>>>even though the end result didn't work out like Jack intended, he was right.
Hope it's not too late to reply to this (AJ will tell you that sometimes I'm pretty unreliable at getting back to this thread, although I've tried to do better at it.)
The transcript for this episode says that Dogen blew a powder over Sayid which I think was the ash that Bram had used in the previous episode…
Ugh, disqus is giving me trouble. Okay, now it's better.
deleted, put in the wrong spot
The Man in Black as Locke is playing a very good game at the moment. It's something that Ben has been great at throughout;
I never got the impression that Miles's "superpower" made him all that happy. So it's probably best that he doesn't have that much opportunity to use it.
I'd argue that they all entered the FSW at the same point, right as the plane was getting ready to land in LA. Everyone received all their "constructed" memories (i.e. Jack and Juliet being married, then divorced etc.) They all "woke up" to the reality of their FSW existences at different times.
Get Stephen King to write it, because it's that level of horror.