
I want to see Offred's mother too, if I have the emotional strength to keep watching, that is.

The alternative is to actually reform the whole concept; tell the story from the points of view of the women of color.

Also, white nationalists (proto-Gilead) are obsessed with *white* women, babies, genes. Their predecessors were sterilizing Native Americans in the Bureau of Indian Affairs hospitals in the 1960s and 70s.

She would be incredible as Annie Wilkes in a Misery remake.

I felt literally sick because we're literally one step away.

I immediately thought of Gamergate in that scene: only in this story, the offenders felt brave and empowered enough to crawl out from behind their screens.

It made me feel horrible. It also reminded me how important it is to not let that come to pass.

I knew people who lived and worked in Iran (and Afghanistan) in the 1970s, almost right up to the Iranian revolution. It was a relatively open place with Western tourism, secularism, freedom of movement etc. Similarly, Afghanistan was open to tourism; many hippies and other free spirits made the "hippie trail" trek

I don't feel sorry for the wives one bit. If there is a resistance, and if they would actually win, the treatment of the wives would probably follow what happened to Vichy French women collaborators.

I've seen all three episodes, and so far they've been miserably, unrelievedly depressing.

Me too, because that kind of misogyny goes hand in hand with racism. Look at how the word "cuck" was bandied about in this recent election.

It's okay to be too scared to watch it. But take that fear and turn it into resistance, of whatever kind you can manage - because this story is just too close for comfort right now.

In the novel, they assume that position so that Serena "symbolically" is the one who will conceive.

I'm not sure if I'll watch any more either. Or I'll go rewatch Inglourious Basterds to take the taste out of my mouth.

Worse, Hagar had sex with Abraham because Hagar was Sarah's slave, and Sarah gave her to Abraham for that purpose.

So what should we take from this, besides Widmore being terrible?

I never would have guessed you would pick Aaron.

Fifteen is a fine number. Thanks, too, for bending on the less-major characters.

It's easy to conflate the two, because Hurley is also very upset at having to pull button-pushing duty.

the one person [Hurley] didn't really work with on the Island, and that's Locke.