Kate's willingness to get off on a new footing with Claire after Claire holds a knife to her throat is right up there with Ilana accepting Ben into the fold.
Kate's willingness to get off on a new footing with Claire after Claire holds a knife to her throat is right up there with Ilana accepting Ben into the fold.
First, let me say "thanks!" for your dedication.
Not the same as 3rd degree burns over 75% of your body, but you're probably right.
Sigh. You're right.
OK, that makes sense. (I've been avoiding promos because I enjoy going into the episodes ice-cold.)
Personally, I never thought the girls departed; nor did I believe there was any kind of "second departure." I was glad to see them alive (even if they are with the GR, ugh) because I was afraid they were killed and buried somewhere.
"Stay with Her" isn't abandoned; I just have to finish my LOST sequel "Return to Xanadu" first. The two stories are very different in tone and direction; I can't do justice to either if I work on them at the same time.
Michael's statement also makes more sense when we see how adamant his father is about there being "no miracles in Miracle."
It doesn't upset me. Nothing wrong with close-watching and dissecting a show you don't like.
Merryl Streep and Dame Judy Dench (among others) would disagree with you.
Yup, complete with backwoods training camp full of infiltrators (i.e. GR who don't wear white, don't look out of place in rural TX.)
It was like something out of an exorcism movie; you know, where the demon keeps spitting "Priest" at the exorcist.
Maybe that's what the bridge guy whispered to Kevin: what was going to happen. (I like your idea about the twin pillars, by the way: one dark, one light.)
That's right. Meg was definitely *not* pleased to see Matt. Also, the camera kept cutting over to the bridge pylons, which made me wonder if that's where she was going to put the explosives.
I could see Tommy driving the explosives in.
There have been a fair number of teen girls in the news recently re: terrorism. And going back further, there was Charles Manson's "family" of young women who went on a murder spree; Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army, a domestic terror group in CA in the 1970s, etc.
Why don't the girls give a shit? Good question. The Manson girls didn't. The girls who join ISIS at 15 and get married off to one suicide bomber after another don't seem to, either (until they do, in which case ISIS murders them.) Evie and her friends are confused and nihilistic: a very common ailment in many…
What's really ironic is that Meg is saying that to Matt: someone who has experienced boatloads of pain, even in Jarden.
If Erika was in on it, she would have to appear disturbed. Otherwise it would look very suspicious.
Well, they did vanish. Into a trailer. They just didn't Depart.