
It’s good to know that Glass was just a slip-up and he truly has his fastball back. I nearly walked out of Glass during the puddle scene.

I’ll support the first half of The Village (and its all-time great trailer), though.  I still keep meaning to someday watch The Visit, since everyone says it’s Good M. Night.

I bet exactly none of the rotating project leads ever considered making it a single-player story driven game a-la Red Dead but with pirates, and that saddens me

tinfoil hat time: “What if Microsoft is delaying the game on purpose?”
they can’t release it on xbox and they are obligated to release it on PS5 but can choose the timing of that release. what if the intent here is to take away a holiday exclusive from Sony? they keep deathloop in place because they want to be able to

Hell, Meat Circus is probably the reason they came around to this mentality. “Why are we doing this to players?”

But come on, man, Branson’s stunt only barely cleared that.

Why the hate? Someone’s gotta fork over the big bucks if our governments won’t. Let the Bazillionare Space Race commence, and godspeed, I say. We’ll get some actual technological advancements that will further mankind’s journey into the cosmos, while also having a chance to witness some one-percenter explode on

It’s not fun for you. Believe it or not, some people actually enjoy difficulty.  People have fun in different ways.

How old is it when you get to that phase? Because I’m 40, and I still enjoy playing some video games for the difficulty. Sometimes I don’t just want to finish the game for the sake of seeing a game over screen, sometimes I actually want to play a game because I find the gameplay enthralling.

Sooooo a Netflix Witcher skin for Triss? I’m kinda not looking forward to that.

I don’t really care about the brand wars & partisanship. But exclusives give me a reason to pick which console to get (I really don’t care about all the other crap they pile in - media centers, sharing functions, social <whatever>, gamerscore; it’s a game console, all I care about is playing games on it.)

If the main problem isn’t China, (or rather, the CCP’s hold on China) but capitalism, then why can we make movies showing the U.S. in a bad light, yet capitalism isn’t punishing those film-makers?

Off-topic, somewhat, but are we seeing any progress in the repair of Kinja? This article is going to generate a decent number of Kinja responses.

“China’s influence appears to be a growing concern among reasonable video game fans, and it’s something developers of all sizes will definitely have to contend with moving forward.”

It’s bullshit to criticize a political construct that has killed hundreds of millions of people?

I quite liked FFX-2, although forgettable.

it looks great and all but you cant really change the fact that its pretty much the worst FF game, well OK X-2 possibly tussles with it for top spot but im thinking theyve probably lost me these days, i havent really enjoyed an FF game since X (which was actually one of my favorite along with III)

I will admit its been a hot minute since I played FF XIII (good lord I was in college) but how can you say XIII’s combat was good?  It basically played itself.  Yeah you had some control with Paradigms but it felt like I was more passive than active in how the game’s action went. 

And this is exactly why I’m so baffled when people say this trilogy was one of the best of the series. HOW, SWAY?! HOW?!

FF13 has to be one of the top AAA games launched with an extremely promising reveal trailer that resulted in one of the worst and most one-dimensional gaming experiences I can remember (and I’ve been at it since the early 80's). At the time, we were coming off FX, FFX-2, and FF12, which were all great entries into the