
You do realize that this time period is part of production time, even for AAA titles right?

Oh, so Tim Burton’s movie

^ Either the proud owner of a virtual spaceship or Chris Roberts.

It’s fun to check in on a dumpster fire and see if it is still burning nearly a decade later.

Star Citizen is what people think Cyberpunk was.

Whatever you do, don’t complain about the bugs in-game. Everyone will immediately jump down your throat about it being an alpha test and that you shouldn’t complain because the game isn’t done yet!

seriously this game is such a ridiculous scam

If only they had gotten to half a billion dollars, they might have functioning elevators!

As a writer/creative and teacher thereof, I’m always a little skeptical of trope criticism and lionizing novelty. New is not synonymous with interesting, certainly not with *good*. And tropes are often effective. That’s how they become tropes.

EA rushed Mass Effect 3 like crazy and it’s a miracle that it’s good.

Idunno... I feel they dropped the ball again. Like, the pendulum went from lazy stock photo edit to lackluster fan art, and failing to hit the mark on both attempts but in a different way.

Like, if the Quarians have hair, that’s fine, just make it look like there was an attempt made for the Tali photo. I wouldn’t have

3 is definitely not the best. It has the most solid combat of the trilogy, but because it has to pick up and solve all the crazy plot and subplots spawned by the first two games(which really didn’t conclude anything themselves) it’s not a satisfying game to play. 80% of the game is you running around tying off loose

Gotta finish the fight. Legion would understand

“What kind of monster doesn’t cure the genophage?”

I was more than just a little annoyed at how both Chris and Mia act like Ethan is a giant asshole for wanting them to talk to him. For wanting them to explain what’s going on.

Same, and the colossus as well.

That tends to happen when the outcome could fundamentally change how the law is applied to everyone. Epic is playing with fire and knows it. They want to burn Apple without setting the entire technology sector on fire.

Procedural crap, most likely. By having Sweeny identify the consoles, it shows that he possesses knowledge about them and can testify on that regard. It’s a bit stupid, but if a lawyer has the choice between doing stupid shit for the sake of safety, or assuming common sense will prevail, they’re going to pick option

That Rainbox Six tease makes every MCU mid-credits seen look positively inspired.

I agree with your rating, but not for the reasons you specified.