
Not only did she do it, but she did it on Proud mode, the highest difficulty.

The only thing that would be harder would be if she did it with like a Level 1 character playthrough.

She’s an absolute gem on Twitch, so I’m happy to see the news of this achievement blowing up.  That fight is no joke.  

To be fair, the cat lets you do way more stuff in Persona 5 Royal than he did in the original game. Now you can read a book or watch DVDs before going to bed!

They are using their players as pawns in an attempt to force Apple’s hand.

As someone who works in the gaming industry, a 30% cut does suck. It only gets harder the smaller you are too. So part of me is like “Yeah, lower that amount!” But Epic isn’t small and I feel like this is going to get pretty ugly. I don’t really like the approach Epic is taking. They were definitely ready for this to

The whole 1984 angle and having all of this response prepared in advance really put a sour taste in my mouth. Trying to create this weird public discourse and use your arguably easily-influenced fan base to try and get what you want is...I mean, it’s on brand but it’s really gross. The extremely public and

Can’t believe in all this commentary there’s no mention that Epic is an arm of Tencent, thus an arm of the CCP. Which makes it an even shittier situation, particularly in regards to the “Apple is dystopia!” of it all.

I can’t stand apple, everything from their business practices, to their marketing to the pretentiousness of their fan boys drives me up a wall. But I have to admit they are 100% in the right here. If you want to use their eco-system, and run software on their hardware, in their OS, to be sold and distributed by a

This has to be some of the most calculated marketing I have seen in a long time.

The difference is that a PC isn’t a piece of propriety hardware that Microsoft owns the patent on.

Update, 3:37pm—Epic tweets that it has “filed legal papers in response to Apple.”

Maybe not safety in terms of Epic, but safety in terms of any random developer putting direct purchases in their apps and funnels those charges through shady eastern European merchants with no accountability. There can’t be two sets of rules, one for ‘trustworthy’ devs and one for ‘untrustworthy’ devs so to speak. We

it felt like i was having a stroke while writing this story

Jesus christ somebody please fire the people in charge of naming their consoles.

My guess is that it has something to do with underage fans one too many times, and he threatened to go public with it if Twitch revealed it (as he’d be screwed either way, might as well take them with him). Since that would reveal that they likely tolerated it for the sake of money for years, you can bet they’d want

It may have sucked out loud, but at least Shenmue 3 is a released game people can buy and play.

people talk a lot of smack about Derek Smart but he nailed this outcome years ago. Roberts is human garbage.

The reason why is the reputation of Chris Roberts, the head of the project and president of the company. He’s something of a rock star to a certain demographic of old school gamers. He made the old Wing Commander games with Origin Systems, which are a flock of games that hold up extremely well. From that background he

Look, cocaine and hookers dont pay for themselves.

Chris Roberts leads development on a space sim that promises to be everything you’ve ever wanted, then goes way over-budget, gets delayed year after year, and in the meantime, they put out a dogfighting component to allay the anxiety of fans.