
A friend of mine was in a grocery store yesterday. Although the store asked customers to buy a maximum of 5 bottles of hand sanitizer, she observed a lovely gentleman clear the entire shelf of product. Like, dozens of bottles. When asked politely by staff not to take the last of their supply, he screamed that he was a

Or games where Superman has to fly through hoops.

Side benefit for the people who can’t work from home Traffic has been fantastic with so many people not driving.

I’m all for gun restrictions, but holy crap all the responsible gun owners watching this have got to be enraged that another idiot with a gun is getting more press.

Umm no.

To the people who skipped the article just to come start shit in the comments, go somewhere else with your bullshit.

None of us are going to get out of this life alive.  There, I’ve fixed your anxiety....

I just got mine out over the weekend! Going to finally give Persona 4 Golden a try, and see if it can overcome my general aversion to JRPGs.

Look, it’s bad enough that there’s a run on facemasks, hand sanitizer, bottled water, and food in general; but I’ll be damned if panic is going to cut my vodka supply short as we now find ourselves stuck at home for the next couple of weeks.

You should include “seasonal flu” when you cite this statistic as you sound misinformed otherwise. Coronavirus has a mortality rate that will like end up lower than the flu.

What is it with people here only taking their cues from Uncle Sam? Do a little research on it and decide for yourself. How is it spread? Through someone directly sneezing on you and it lives less time on surfaces than the flu virus. And it’s very susceptible to household cleaners and sanitizing gels. If you DO get it,

I’m bowing out of my plans. No matter what the con does, I cannot trust the other attendees to be anything other than selfish about showing up even if they’re already sick. Garden-variety con crud is bad enough, but this year it’s really asking for trouble. (Hands up if you’re surprised that someone in ECCC’s Twitter

Is there any video or a picture gallery of the demo? This is probably my most anticipated game of the next two years.

Mostly, but also a lot of people do not care for how Epic does business and “steals” games AFTER they are already up for presale on another platform.

They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?

Dark Souls didn’t have nearly three decades of traditional storytelling under its belt, and the way Dark Souls “database” entirely worked was by elegantly putting items and gear and lore in corresponding areas for you to actively discover of your own volition.

Final Fantasy X had optional bosses and dungeons you could go to, AND NPCS you could properly talk to AND shops and the like. FFXIII didn’t. 

Why do we need to go back in time to rehash a bad game yet all the while attempting to make it “not so bad” 10 years later?