
Until Dawn was lightning in a bottle. They haven’t recaptured it in the first two games and I’m very iffy on picking this up at launch after getting burned twice.

Pretty sure he would have been downed at least once and Mayweather held him up.

I mean I don’t want to be a contrarian, but Wikipedia states preproduction started in 2010, and Cloud Imperium’s own release states it was 12 months into production in October of 2012.

You can’t copyright game mechanics apparently. You can patent them, but then making small changes are enough to avoid problems.

Underrated comment, take your star.

Per the kickstarter it was in development for 2 years before the kickstarter.

Krogan were violent before the genophage. That’s why there was a genophage.

Is Switch Calculator the new Frog Fractions?

I’m just glad they removed the xp penalty for killing things in it. I used to jump out at the last minute vs Thresher Maws so as to get full XP for the killing blow.

No devs, publishers.

Persona 3 Portable got rid of the AI controlled party and I’ve seen mods for the FES on emulation that merge the two (Thus playing FES with a controllable party).

His outfit reminds me of what I wore in the late 80's early 90's so you’re pretty dead on.

The Xbox 360 Controller

The Xbox 360 Controller

Wasteland 3 is considerably more polished and streamlined. They reduced/combined skills and made a number of other changes.

I love that no matter what side you choose the Templar’s are basically proven right because Orsino uses blood magic and turns into the harvester.

That’s actually the rule for food/beer left at my house. Obviously items of value are different.

Combatants Will Be Dispatched is from the same writer as Konosuba so it’s worth looking at.

My second pick would be King’s Field the Ancient City. One of the parents of the Souls genre.

Alpha Protocol is one of the best games almost no one played. I’m still sad I’ll never get AP2.

At this point I’m assuming TwitchCon will also be cancelled this year, or at least never announced.