Given that he was 79, and given how fading and dying turns into a slow, painful ordeal for a lot of people somewhere after that, I would say it was probably a good thing, like his wife said.
Given that he was 79, and given how fading and dying turns into a slow, painful ordeal for a lot of people somewhere after that, I would say it was probably a good thing, like his wife said.
“This story is super epic,” said lead story designer Matt Morris. “Obviously everyone’s gonna say that about their game, but this one, this one’s got some teeth in it and I think this is something people are gonna remember eight, 10, 20 years from now.”
I as a german I continue to be baffled by USAmericans and their boneheaded relationship toward sexuality.
BUUUUUUT... shouldn’t ViktoriAAA??
“I’m really upset that this isn’t major news but that science project Bruce Jenner is #Society.”
Arrgh! Everybody seems to know this! What is it about? (I Know by now it’s by Tim Buckley, I just don’t have the background knowledge to get it.)
What is that about??
10/10 and... you know the rest... ;)
“Oh, my friend saw Sub Zero’s sexality at another arcade. It was so sweet!”
That's MAYBE because the Germans were Humans?
I'm sooo offended right now.
Being perfectly content saves up an astounding amount of mental energy. Gone are the worries, doubts and obsessions about diet, weight and all other issues pertaining to reaching your goal. The itch is gone. No need to scratch it anymore.
I really hope your post was ironic
Almost every girl has a movie that breaks her. It's usually something intended for children, likeCinderella. The girl watches it and gets hooked on this idea that if she has an impossibly tiny waist and can talk to birds, eventually she'll stumble upon the man of her dreams. He'll put her in a carriage, and for some…
Soooo... how long until the ugly scandal this time??
While it's nice to hear that you learned your lesson, you definitely SHOULD have known better than to be an asshole towards people you have never met and knew nothing about.
Aaaaargh you beat me to it!!!
It's DEFINETLY the beard.