
Generally when I see Elon’s name, there are two armies that show up:

I too would like CA to secede, lol.

Everyone wants to have a 7-something grille, like the Jeep Wrangler.

Imagine buying a Blizzard Activision game in 2021.

The game autosaves very frequently. You don’t have to goto camp just to force an auto-save.

Apology = admission of wrong doing or guilt.

I’m usually the cynical one, but... I don’t see a problem with this. I’m not a Fortnite fan, and couldn’t frankly care less. But I dont see an issue since the game has been an astronomical success.

Interesting, because I haven’t seen anything major from Aziz Ansari since the false accusations against him.

Uh, there’s a whole level of porn that doesn’t involve “actual sex acts” and “penetration”, friend.

Based on your uncalled for, atrocious attack on someone though, I really doubt you’re level headed enough to understand nuance.

Holy fuck you’re insufferable.

You’re on a blog, you’re not going to get “jounralism” in any measure of the word.

And this is why I can never get packages delivered on time.

Your knuckle-dragging anthem of “iF yOu DoN’t LiKe It, thEn LeAve!?!” is ignorant at best. Do better, think a little further than your desire to leave snarky comments.

Same, generally “popping” means the prices/value is about to plummet.

It’s not like the salespeople had any idea the FC6 bundle would get nuked.

I wish people would stop participating in these absolute bullshit attempts at scraping comments for content.

What a totally, completely, normal, rational thing to tell a woman. “Hey babe, you’re super hot and my cousin is lucky, you should exploit your body for money while you’re still viable!”

No one self-owned. Greg just pointed you to available data. Stop reading into things and jumping to conclusions.

Much rather have a blacked out vehicle than one wrapped in chrome like it’s some old white dude’s mid-life crisis Harley.

Nah. I hate chrome. It looks so cheap and old. There’s nothing attractive about it. Unless you’re a barracuda and you just like shiny things.