
So, following this article, and your advice...

Because generally a mugger is in a hurry, and they’re not personally looting your pockets.

I’m assuming you’re taking a jab at The Mandalorian. But, if you’d ever watched it, you’d know he collects his bounties alive, not dead.

It amazes me that GMG continues to post stupid slideshows and refuses to fix their comments section / tools. Even with a mountain of commenter feedback, but still be unable to fix / correct this shit.

Instead of looking at this shitty, pathetic slideshow... I can just read the original “article” where all the answers are already commented.

I mean... this is a lot of drama for a trivia game show.

Still not enough to get me to download the Epic Game Store.

Why did you think they would change the format of UA3 from the exact same thing they did in UA and UA2?

Canada does have the same “Freedoms” you’re trying to make fun of.

Pretty obvious you have never actually purchased a firearm, or gone through the process.

“except where they are too big.”

I’m sorry. It’s impossible to find someone that was hand-molded into the perfect representation of a human with the utmost perfect opinions on _everything._

Same. This is the first time I’ve heard or seen anyone complaining about this.

My JK Wrangler.

I dunno, it’s not much better here. All I’m seeing is people bitching because “Pokemon is a kids game.” Which is likely the most “boomer” take I’ve seen in a while on Kotaku.

Games aren’t made for any one particular age group. Much less, I don’t think an open world semi-action adventure game (al la Breath of the Wild) is intended “for babies.”

That’s a shooting.

It seems like most of them are based on “current” existing pokemon.

I’m relieved that people with $400,000 to spend on a vehicle are extremely responsible with them.

I’m really surprised they had the effort and resources to work on this for Playstation platforms.