
AV Club articles from 2009 are considered "old" now? Oof.

I think Hank has a much better chance than Jesse of making it out alive, though I hate to admit it. Hank can still get a "hero" ending of uncovering everything that would still be pretty fucking dark. In fact, Hank having to live with the knowledge of what Walt did right under his nose would probably be a fate worse

I think Hank has a much better chance than Jesse of making it out alive, though I hate to admit it. Hank can still get a "hero" ending of uncovering everything that would still be pretty fucking dark. In fact, Hank having to live with the knowledge of what Walt did right under his nose would probably be a fate worse

the ciiiiircle of meeeeeth!

the ciiiiircle of meeeeeth!

That whole last sequence was like a microcosm of the show. "You think crime is cool? FUCK YOU!"

That whole last sequence was like a microcosm of the show. "You think crime is cool? FUCK YOU!"



Mike had also just been interrogated by Hank, through which he found out the keep quiet money in the Cayman islands had been discovered and seized, so that probably tipped him off more than anything. Also, I have a feeling that with people other than Walt, the vast majority of conversations that are essentially, "We

Mike had also just been interrogated by Hank, through which he found out the keep quiet money in the Cayman islands had been discovered and seized, so that probably tipped him off more than anything. Also, I have a feeling that with people other than Walt, the vast majority of conversations that are essentially, "We

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus I didn't put that together but now that makes complete sense, the accounts were the pay off money but now that they were discovered and seized, Mike's guys have no reason to stay silent, and are all greedy selfish bastards like everyone else in the drug game, so of

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus I think there was more behind his negotiation besides just sympathy for the daughter. In one day 3 of the 13 people who were closest to Gus went apeshit, one almost ratted to the DEA, one killed the almost-rat, and one hired the killer. Mike just got a very sudden wake

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus I think there was more behind his negotiation besides just sympathy for the daughter. In one day 3 of the 13 people who were closest to Gus went apeshit, one almost ratted to the DEA, one killed the almost-rat, and one hired the killer. Mike just got a very sudden wake

I am really starting to think God being Beavis makes a lot of sense.

I am really starting to think God being Beavis makes a lot of sense.

I found myself sympathizing for Mike mainly in this episode, as well as Ted, and even fucking Saul Goodman a little bit! But Walt was basically unrecognizable tonight, he never took off the Heisenberg hat and so we never got to see what he was actually feeling. He's slain and become Darth Vader in one fell swoop.

I found myself sympathizing for Mike mainly in this episode, as well as Ted, and even fucking Saul Goodman a little bit! But Walt was basically unrecognizable tonight, he never took off the Heisenberg hat and so we never got to see what he was actually feeling. He's slain and become Darth Vader in one fell swoop.

Jesse and Mike have such a great dynamic. Walt is the "fun dad" that you only see on weekends and will take you out for ice cream and go-karting but will never sit you down for a talk about the birds and the bees. Mike is the stern, responsible mother that has to teach Jesse all the life lessons and knows what's best

Jesse and Mike have such a great dynamic. Walt is the "fun dad" that you only see on weekends and will take you out for ice cream and go-karting but will never sit you down for a talk about the birds and the bees. Mike is the stern, responsible mother that has to teach Jesse all the life lessons and knows what's best