
Is it Spite or is it Jealousy?

New GMC Tailgate dubbed “The Finger Finisher”

Why is this posted on Jalopnik? Is it because it is the topic of discussion is the neo-Left’s equivalent to an Adult Novel? Jalopnik writers love to take Politically left idealogy and spin a car story into it. Does Jalopnik ever do pro-Nationalist and conservative stories with car stuff spun into? Never would allow

Danica was pushed into the highest levels of motorsport because of a combination of significant factors including Social Politics creating a demand for women to literally crash male dominated sports and also Danica is a high skill-level driver and she is physically attractive. In the Rogan interview, she brings up the

Human production is quite similar to how computer processors are made. They are all made in the same production line (wombs), but there are complexities beyond comprehension that cause variations in product stability. We can say that we produce an awful lot of slower processors than smart ones.

So it’s like a Submarine that operates on the surface, it’s a Surfacemarine then?

I never knew the color of a used car would cause someone to use it as Con in the Pro/Con list for a vehicle overall.

I wonder if he got this vehicle insured. You know that part of insurance that covers damages to property...

One thing to note in the video presented here, the BMW was doing a mad burnout while stopped. I’m sure the cops ran up and looked to see if this guy was doing this intentionally or not.

I’m a Solstice fanboy and own one myself, this is insane. Low mileage Coupes go for ~$20k, not sure if the seller here considered comping out his car before pricing it. In another 15-20 years, with inflation, I can get behind $49,000.

You know collectively, “The People” of the United States can chose to not buy inefficient vehicles. Most people say and think about what is right instead of doing what is right. You are part of the problem.

Waiting until you’re forced to update any type of software is usually the best option, ever since computers and updates started and became a thing. For example, I just built (2 weeks ago) an 8th gen i5 computer (my first intel processor), I invested 20 hours into getting Windows 7 to install, then gave up. Luckily, I

If you hit the genetic lottery as a female and also the jackpot with responsible parents; marketing and modeling is 10,000x easier than engineering. Also, the worst kinds of engineers are the ones who never engineered anything until college. You will find a strong correlation with childhood environment and female

You used your parking lights and it drained your battery? Go figure...

You were unsuccessful at pointing out anything explicit in regards to Pence and being anti-LGBTQ. You need to bring out the very explicit anti-LGBTQ expressions by Pence (don’t save the best for last, come out swinging), this will help everyone. If you make up stuff and spin up some over-exaggerated heavily-worded

I hit a large curb straight on, because some idiot girl and her friends turned left into the main road where I was turning left into the exit they were coming out of. Completely her fault, 1000%. To avoid the accident, I aborted the left turn by going right, right straight on into a substantial curbed, rocked the

There is a manhole that is stuffed with 2 tires somewhere in Detroit. I noticed it because two tires are stuffed into the hole, standing upwards, kinda out of place. I checked google satellite images and you can see it from space. I zoomed in further to street view, picture below was from Aug 2013. The tire on right

I was just in Pontiac last night, we were driving wrong way on some streets in the city, because the right way was a mine bad we were driving the wrong way!!

If I got a nickel every time I impulse screamed F*** after hitting these enormous gigantic bump stop shocking chuck holes, I’d buy a helicopter.

What is stopping a base model 4x4 Silverado WT from doing this?