
Men in tiny cars means they have huge gigantic you know whats.

Cleetus McFareland pointed this out for us in a video he did at a race track in the pits, everyone had a Smart car packed in their pit, like 12 in a row. Then explained the benefits of a smart car over golf carts. A smart car can tow a light weight race car or rail from the end of the 1/4 mile back to the start of the

We can build anything we want, just need enough money and some time to make it happen. Megabots only got something like $2mil, that gets burned up quicker than you can imagine, if you haven’t been exposed to mechanical development budgets at large corporations. They need something like $20mil to make an acceptable

Apparently auto race enthusiasts love these cars to pull their race car and also leave the track to run errands legally.

Looks like she was demoted, the system seems to be working. Justice for actual explicit racism! In addition, it is possible these other females messing with Ms. Racist Lovely here are actual degenerates themselves, don’t get carried away.

[Insert U.S. Presidents Name Here] SOTU drinking game. Have fun, drink plenty of fluids before passing out lolol

You have to admit it was a pretty bad ass super ballsy maneuver. Apparently this is over neutral air space, and it was a U.S. SPY drone. SPY drone. It appears that the U.S. was actively spying and then a Russian jet buzzes the spy plane. Did anyone else pick up what Russia put down here?

Is it okay to say that black cops would pull this on white citizens and also white cops would do this to black citizens and also black cops would do this to black citizens and finally white cops would do this to white citizens?

Let me get this straight, customers bought tires with a speed rating molded into the side of the tire, then these customers exceeded this speed rating (for 10's or 100's or 1000's of miles), the tires fail and it is the tire companies fault?

Humans have been dreaming about large walking robots piloted by humans since the early 20th century. Robot Jox was released in 1989 and almost 30 years later we now have some small tinge of the dueling robot experience, completely paid for by private investments. What we end up with is a bunch of cry babies

When I was a child on road trips, I would just stare at the shoulder of the road and imagine I was riding a quad or dirt bike across the terrain keeping up with us in the car. I would imagine the suspension soaking up bumps and any obstacle was a sick jump.

Your Honda S2000 did not even exist when this truck was released, so I am not sure why your argument holds any weight comparing 8 year old technology to 8 year newer technology. I am neutral as far as comparing power, I would need to see the actual area under the power curve for each powertrain to formulate a bias.

I worked as a front line supervisor in an FCA assembly plant a few years back, my team included Skilled Trades, Production workers and 150 robots. A few months in I realized why a Union was needed, I was pro-Union at this time. The reason was because I felt management if given the opportunity would work these people

Did the 2011 come with those rear turn signals that flash in sequence though?

I really like the mural of Gumby waving with his other arm around Death himself.

I’ve been trying to sell a boat and dirtbike for the past 3 months. I had one “person” saying they want it, we agreed to a price, then they say I must wait 7 weeks for them to get their tax return. I reply about that is great, this is an unbinding contract, I would need a $500 deposit to keep the bike for them. I get

The autopilot system was programmed by humans just like jalopnik commentators.

Do you now what the top most boring task is in the world? Babysitting an autopilot system. A commercial pilot must have a driver license along with hundreds of hours of training and experience before they can gain access to autopilots systems in commercial aircraft. This is nothing like a careless person, who doesn’t

There are about 6,500 rear-end collisions daily in the US. Pretty sure none of those involved a driver who was paying attention.

Yes, a Big Red Firetruck akin to the Broadside of a Barn.