I’m with you. How about “It”? The options were always He, She, It, or They. They should be reserved for plural.
I’m with you. How about “It”? The options were always He, She, It, or They. They should be reserved for plural.
Part of the issue with this discussion is the wide size range encompassed by the term “TRUCK”. It’s the overly large jobs that draw most people’s ire, partly due to excessive size and partly due to the obvious lack of use that they’ll get.
Don’t be silly. Tesla, like everybody, knows that if the Bolt is too successful that GM will repossess them all and crush them.
Come on, nothing you suggested is actually a thing. “be a central organizing point”? “be a symbol”?
1) I think it’s laudable that the author is trying to help those who live in places where the electrical grid isn’t robust enough to adequately support such basic needs.
That’s cute, you expecting your workplace to understand logic and make fact-based decisions and all...
Yeah, we do the same. We call it a “Free for All” and the kids like it. It gives them some independence, and teaches some valuable lessons on preparing a meal for yourself.
I do. I continue to purchase and support freaking iPhones for my lovely wife.
Well said. That’s exactly why people move around, and companies lose so much in knowledge they let out the door due to small-mindedness on their part.
It’s easy: switch to the best Chat app that works across both platforms, has a chrome client with notifications on your desktop, and is tied to an email address instead of a phone #.......
Not to mention that the risk of physical injury from extreme sports is far less scarring than the emotional injuries you often see with typical team sports that parents seem to get overly emotionally invested in.
Step 1: Select the Public Option.
Hold on, let me make sure she is not the mutant daughter of Wolverine... nope, she’s not. still no justification.
Maybe. I think it more illustrates that these guys are trained more for urban assault than peace officering. which underlines my plan to have at least 2 different divisions: Peace officers, and Violent Crime responders.
I mean, you saw what the guy looked like, right? and how he behaved?
Oh, it had a focus?
Wow, it’s like you’re an actual human trying to utilize electronics in your life instead of making your life fit into the digital world. Respect.
Wow, it’s like you’re an actual human trying to utilize electronics in your life instead of making your life fit…
I’m amazed that society continues to applaud people who keep stereotyping others. Please, the “male gaze”. What about the “female gaze”? I wouldn’t insult a woman by trotting out some stupid phrase like that to insinuate that they are somehow jaded due to their gender.
Well done. I continue to wonder why the 4a doesn’t get more love. The size, the camera, the pricepoint; what more could you want?
Well done. I continue to wonder why the 4a doesn’t get more love. The size, the camera, the pricepoint; what more…