
No, it’s best in the 1st 2.  the 3rd is meh.

we’re in north GA and have found it’s more of an issue with city-dwellers in general. Atlanta has discovered many of our natural resources through well-intentioned and well-crafted web sites, but many descend upon the land like it’s a public stadium or parking lot. it’s not. behave accordingly.

so it’s cheaper for them to buy a book then do all of that too?  doubtful.

It seems to be more dependent upon gestational age that your figures, but sure, Georgia has effectively outlawed abortions with this ban. No need to spend a lot of words reasoning it out further. That’s what the governor wanted, his electors wanted, and it passed. No such measure has ever gone into effective law, and

traded my pixel 2 for a new 3a at T-Mo: free.  better camera, new battery, plastic instead of glass, headphone jack; what’s not to like?

I say filter by size. then you can at least put eyes on them and see if they’re in the ballpark of what you’re looking for and can take on.

Which more people were subject to due to their ongoing dispute with Dish.

Which more people were subject to due to their ongoing dispute with Dish.

Same experience. My son inherited my old android phones so I used Dinnertime and it is great for barring apps and limiting screen time.

Maybe, but I’d be more interested in the longtime professionals that weren’t chosen. That’s even worse.

Guess I’m in the minority here.  We really like ours.  Then again, we’re pretty tidy people so the “view” doesn’t get overwhelming as some are saying.

The reason it’s hard for you to understand is that you are a responsible person with good sense. The media and dems seem to have tried to make a thing out of something that wasn’t a thing. They’re accusing “russia” of essentially posting unflattering claims and calling that “election influence” to make it seem more

eh...   if you take away all of the hand-wringing and meetings with their party people to make sure they’re keeping their bases happy, the actual work is quite doable.  Not easy, and certainly demanding, but the long hours are largely a result of the politics portion, not the actual work.

Actually, I’d say that’s what the American people said to politicians everywhere by electing Trump. Essentially, you guys are horrible at your jobs, and maybe evil, so we’ll take this guy just to see what happens. (sneak peak: nothing worse than normal so far, besides intense media criticism and some buffoonery)

Not showing me competitors’ offerings isn’t an unreasonable practice in my book. That’s up there with the EU getting mad at Msoft for including IE for free back in the day, just because the uninformed didn’t know it and the ‘Net weren’t the same thing.

Impressive that you can deduce all of that from someone’s face.  Tolerant, really.

As you can see, Dealers provide a tremendous service, completely supporting their claims that Tesla not be allowed to sell their own products direct.

Way to find a way to make yourself a victim in an article that’s about someone else entirely.  That’s like 8 points on the liberal meter right there.

All of these points.

Again, this guy is following the classic liberal model of assuming your intent, and thereby deciding your neutral action is wrong. He’s condemning your perceived judgement via judging you. It’s awesome, right?

Yeah, I was going to suggest “don’t” as well.  Not because I’m offended as a dad, but because of people like this guy who will take issue with most anything you do, just cause.  It’s the new world.  Enjoy.