Wakanda of course.
Wakanda of course.
Can’t stop the Trump train!
Hopefully the French and Germans come to their senses and tell the EU and refugees to go to hell.
Or saved it depending on your opinion.
Lol, blaming Facebook and the Russians because Trump won.
Send the Mexicans to Hell!
The first 200 years of the empire were much better than the republic though.
Gas lighting must be liberals favorite term. I only see it used on these websites.
Go Hogan!
That Saudi guy who got hacked up was named Jamal.
Aren’t most people that way?
That would actually be pretty awesome!
They do have a mass stabbing problem due to Muslims though.
Unlike rap music lol.
Facebook and Twitter kill people, lol.
Where is this so called massacre?
I would think that climate change is a higher priority. Jews are thriving, especially thanks to the U.S. support of Israel.
Eh, he’s been in charge almost 2 years now and I don’t see anything different.
A lot of the brownshirts were gays before the SS cleaned them out in the night of the long knives.