I think I was trying this the day before thanksgiving and made it to checkout before the ps5 disappeared from my cart. I kinda gave up on getting one for now. Ill just wait a bit cause I know ima just end up using it to play FFXIV over and over.
I think I was trying this the day before thanksgiving and made it to checkout before the ps5 disappeared from my cart. I kinda gave up on getting one for now. Ill just wait a bit cause I know ima just end up using it to play FFXIV over and over.
That’s Lisa the Skeptic, Season 9 Episode 9. There is also that great gag about Lionel having a briefcase of evidence and it opens up to only show a half eaten sandwich and apple.
I believe so but im not a lawyer nor do I live in England. Personally I think they are both shitty people and I really have no stake in this issue. Didnt like them before nor do I like them now. I have my own life to live.
I think im understanding it correctly but anyone else correct me. The newspaper called him a wife beater in a headline. Depp said this was false and sued for libel. The court ruled that while normally this would be libel, all the evidence in the case showed that Depp did beat his wife, so the newspaper was being…
I kinda wish I could play Bravely Second for...a second time. They fixed a good amount of stuff from the first one and I love this game’s twist. I didnt get too much into the demo for BD2 but will still pick that up cause I love me some portable rpgs.
I beat Star Ocean First Departure R last week on the switch so decided to go back to Bloodstained. They fixed this really bad slow down issue in this tower area so it feels playable again. But then I got distracted by Donkey Kong Country 2 so iv been going back and forth. Over on the PS4 I started Tales of Berseria…
While the game has so many songs and I love them all, my personal favorite has to be Rise of the White Raven. The first time I ran T9 and this song kicked in, I knew shit just got real.
You don’t need playstation plus for anything that has an outside sub (FFXIV) or free 2 play (Fortnite). This is the same for Nintendo Switch too.
Only Phil Spencer said that. Ill wait until we hear something offical from Square.
I believe its because Microsoft wants FFXIV gated behind Xbox Live, which square doesnt want since FFXIV already has a monthly fee.
I think because this Wolfenstein series has a completely different storyline then the others.
Maybe...just maybe...Microsoft will bring back the original Prey or at least make it easier to buy.
Damn no love for Chrono Cross victory fanfare?
I went right to Super Mario 64 and I have to remind myself that even though the camera is mapped to the right stick, its still operates like 1996.
I was in one of the major cities and as I went to get on my horse, I ended up tackling an NPC and had to haul ass out of the town as EVERYONE was shooting at me.
I just hope the ps+ collection doesnt mess with the 2 “free” games per month.
My friend and I just started Monster Hunter World so we got that going. Besides that more Final Fantasy XIV like always with bits of Carrion and Super Mario 3D All-Stars while I wait for dungeons to start. Also my friend is having a board game night and we may be finally playing Risk: Metal Gear Solid edition.
Man I freaking love this comic. My Ex got me the series for like $40 which I honestly consider a steal. I read it at least once a year. The scene when the grandmaster shows the JLA/Avengers how the worlds are really suppose to be gets me in the gut each time.
Also isnt Cap on the cover of the game?
I wonder how this works. Everyone on the same stage as it gets harder and harder?