It took me about 200 hours to platinum Persona 5. The minute I got that Futaba voice trophy I saved and uninstalled the game. I never want to play P5 ever again and even the new edition wont bring me back.
It took me about 200 hours to platinum Persona 5. The minute I got that Futaba voice trophy I saved and uninstalled the game. I never want to play P5 ever again and even the new edition wont bring me back.
After fixing the power steering in my car, the brake lines decided it was the perfect to start leaking. All in all im out $375 to fix that and the exhaust, which isnt bad at all. Got this 03 Santa Fe for free as long as I can fix it and havent hit anywhere near $1000 in cost yet.
Could still happen. They did a crossover with Final Fantasy XV last year, which was kind of random since the game came out back in 2016.
This was the best time for me to take a break from FFXIV. Still love it but really needed to clear out my backlog and also beat Last of Us 2 + Xenoblade Chronicles.
Wait wasnt it a few months ago that they signed Ninja to Mixer?
Same on the switch pro. The right speaker on my switch blew during an explosive match of fortnite about 2 years ago. Its not a big problem but since nintendo wants $100 to fix I figured I can wait for a switch pro. Knowing Nintendo its not a matter of if but when.
Nothing makes you do a quicker spit take then hearing one winged angel butchered.
Pokemon Sword isnt bad at all its just disappointing. They went the safest possible way with the game. I personally would like something more like Gold/Silver. After I beat it I just didn’t feel like playing and it has been the second switch game I ever traded in...first was LA Noire only because that game was not as…
Didnt the PC version itself get a re-release? The first version had really shitty MIDI music. I would add 1 to the port count.
I had to do this when fire emblem came out. I would bring the switch, my little stand and my pro controller to work just so I could keep playing until my joy-cons came back. I want to invest in a second pair but the price and the lack of fun colors in the US hold me back.
I recently got back into GTA Online and have been working on the casino heist with my friend. After failing the first time we went back for the optional missions and was able to finish the aggressive approach. Now we are working on the stealth option for this weekend. Outside of that I just got back into Ace Combat 7…
I love the stupid cheesy comic cut away in Hulk. It reminds me of that special edition of the warriors that added in comic panels for scene transitions.
They really need to do something with James Marsden outside of teaming him up with CGI animals. I never forgiven X-Men 3 for killing him off screen.
Iv had fun online when playing with my friend. Back on the 360 we had to create our own fun which led to us putting bounties on each other and then fighting people off on roof tops.
I assume this is going to be just the most basic edition. This way they can make those sweet Shark Card sales.
I think it was a mistake having 3 main characters instead of just focusing on 1. Outside of Trevor, I cant tell you shit about Franklin and Michael outside of one wants to hit it big and the other has a shitty family.
The single player is still really good but if your not going to play online thats really it. There is no single player dlc.
It plays really great on the switch. Kinda wish it would let me set weapons to the D-Pad but its not an option. L is used for the flashlight so its quick to turn on and off.
Sometime last year either during E3 or quakecon. They were a sale a few weeks ago on the switch so I got Doom 2 and Doom 3 for a total of $4. I believe the normal price is $10 and it comes with the dlc. You can also buy Doom 1 and 2 for $5 each.
Playing Doom 3 on my Switch its really good! Its alot slower paced then Doom 2016 but its so much fun and I kinda like the focus on the story a bit. My one dislike so far is the game’s annoying habit to spawn demons behind you after an item pick up.