
Its...complicated but your find out once you hit the credits as to why I have 98 hours in the game. Theres so much spoilers in Act 2 and beyond that its hard to talk about. But yea I have been doing side quests and mostly grinding. Havent even started the pastwords stuff outside of finding the little guys in the

Oh yea I bet. I’m at about 98 hours of playtime and I would of went crazy. It sucks that Smash only got the MIDI versions too.

You just brought back memories of me playing House of the Dead 2 and Typing of the dead on the dreamcast. Such a great system that died way too fast.

As someone who beat the main game and is half way through Heart of you think its worth it to just buy the game on the switch? I feel like the only way ill ever truly finish the game is if its portable.

I listened to the boss music from the PS4 version and almost threw my phone into a wall. I really dont like the MIDI versions. Its why I wont buy DQ8 on the 3DS.

I still need to pick up Shadow just to finish off the trilogy. Also actually play Prey since it just sits in my drawer.

I am getting so confused between Outer Wilds and Outer Worlds.

They most likely didnt hear about the reduced ban and the return of the prize money since Blizzard released that statement on a freaking Friday night.

There is actually only 1 female and thats...the voice of the computer. It was Carpenter’s then wife and she wasnt even credited.

This is most likely my all time favorite horror movie. The scene when they are defib Norris, only for his chest to open up and bite off the other guy’s hands still makes me jump.

We need to teach people that they can google the words “hentai” and see all the anime porn they want.

Yea I see no problem with this since I can finally play this game. I have no time to be outraged when I have real life problems to deal with.

Ya im with you. I want to finally be able to play this game.

Best thing about Def Jam Icons was the soundtrack and how the stages interacted with the music. I think that was it.

Wait the girl saying the bed sore stuff is suppose to be the protag? I saw that clip without context and really thought that was suppose to be the rival.

I was really hoping for a Switch version so my friend could finally beat it. The game really isnt respectful of your time.

DQXI has taken all my time since release. Its so good!

Is the GBC MGS rare? I had it way back and now I wish I kept it.

Working on act 2 of Dragon Quest XI S. I am so hooked on side quests and crafting items. I think im getting closed to the end so I want to find more pastwords and other stuff I may have missed. After that I may pay some Splatoon 2 and Final Fantasy XIV.

Ya Marianne gets put into such a shitty location. Any direction you move you run into another beast.